Teaching & Learning

Our Approach

Women's and Gender Studies students develop the following core abilities and knowledge sets through their coursework and experiences in the department:

  1. A critical lens through which they examine the world. Women's and Gender Studies majors are able to analyze how power shapes institutions, knowledge, and interpersonal relationships; they appreciate the complex intersections of gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, and so on; they use conceptual frameworks from feminism and other social justice approaches to evaluate problems and seek solutions.
  2. A consistent use of a global perspective. Women's and Gender Studies majors acknowledge their participation in and responsibility to local, national, and/or global communities; recognize the complex interconnections between living beings and the environment; and value acting with empathy and promoting social justice.
  3. Communicative strengths in reading, writing, and speaking. Women's and Gender Studies majors read visual and verbal texts carefully and critically; hone their abilities to communicate clearly and concisely orally and in writing; consider audience, purpose, genre, and rhetorical strategy in their compositions; and are able to express their viewpoints effectively and advocate for their beliefs persuasively.
  4. An analysis of the relationships between past, present, and future. Women's and Gender Studies majors understand the importance and complexity of history; they contextualize current issues and concerns in relation to events, debates, and figures from the past; they have knowledge of women's activist, intellectual, and social movement histories.
  5. The application of knowledge to effect change: Women's and Gender Studies majors will develop an ability to apply academic knowledge beyond the classroom, as advocates for the central values in the field; they will acquire versatility in professional skills that transfer core disciplinary knowledge bases to a range of career and activist pursuits.

Department of Women's & Gender Studies