The Office of Finance provides monthly electronic budget reports through theÌýBanner ePrintÌýsoftware. ePrint allows users to print monthly financial reports as soon as they are available. All employees who monitor and report on budget information are grantedÌýautomaticÌýaccessÌýto Banner ePrint.ÌýFor those that need to view monthly payroll activity, you must request ePrint Payroll Report Access by completing theÌýePrint Payroll Report Request Form.
,Ìýand enter your MIDAS credentials. Below you will find Introduction & Navigation, Report Options, Pick Pages, and Customization training videos for your ease. You may also access theÌýePrint Training ManualÌýfor complete training information.
All questions regarding details of these reports or navigation information should be directed to the Office of Finance Data Control team atÌý757-683-3257Ìýor the Banner hotline atÌý
Training & Support
Users who have access to Banner Finance Forms for their approved budget are grantedÌýautomatic accessÌýto Banner ePrint, and are able to view the specific reports that pertain only to their Organization Budget Codes.
ePrint Log IN
and enter your login credentials.ÌýNOTE: These should be the same credentials you use to log into your Banner account.
Repository Message
Please be sure to view theÌýRepository MessageÌýat the top of the screen as soon as you login to ensure you are reviewing the most current report information and any other pertinent budget report information!ÌýThis must be doneÌýevery timeÌýyou login to ePrint!
Payroll Reports
For users that require Banner ePrint Payroll Reports, you must request access by completing theÌýEprint Payroll Report Request Sheet. Access to Payroll Reports is NOT guaranteed, nor automatic. ItÌýmustÌýbe requested and approved!
Need Banner Access?
To request Banner Access, please .
Please view theÌýÌývideo for basic login, navigation, and introduction information. We also recommend you download the completeÌýePrint Training ManualÌýfor reference.
ePrint reports may be opened and saved as PDF, TXT, or CVS files. To access past-month's reports, use theÌýDrillÌýicon to "drill down" and view a list of all stored report versions listed in descending date order.ÌýTo search for particular reports pertaining to a Fund or Organization Code, please see the Pick Pages tab.
The most commonly used reports currently available are:
- FGRBDSC- Budget Status Report
- FGRODTA- Organizational Detail Activity Report
However, if you have been granted access, other reports will also be loaded. These may include:
- FAROINV - Open Invoice Report
- FARVHST - Vendor History Report
- FGRBLSH - Balance Sheet
- FGRCGBS - Comparative Balance Sheets
- FGRBHFB - 91¶ÌÊÓƵment of Change in Net Assets
- FGRFAAC - Fund/Account Activity Report
- FGRGLTA - General Ledger Detail Transaction
If you have access to viewÌýMonthly Payroll ReportsÌý(listed below), you may find more specific information about them in theÌýePrint Manual.
- NHRSDST- the Employee Payroll Summary by Organization
- NWRSDST- the Employee Payroll Summary by Organization
Please view theÌýÌývideo for basic login, navigation, and introduction information. We also recommend you download the completeÌýePrint Training ManualÌýfor reference.Ìý
Some users who oversee multiple Funds or Organization Codes may be able to "pick" the details they would like to view in particular reports. TheÌýPick PagesÌýprocess allows users to pick the funds or budgets they wish to appear on the displayed reports.
Please view theÌýÌývideo for basic login, navigation, and introduction information. We also recommend you download the completeÌýePrint Training ManualÌýfor reference.
Banner ePrint allows users to create customized reports lists in theÌýMy ePrintÌýlink on the user's homepage. The video explains how to properly setup aÌýMy ePrintÌýcustomized list.
Please view theÌýÌývideo for basic login, navigation, and introduction information. We also recommend you download the completeÌýePrint Training ManualÌýfor reference.
Users who have access to Banner Finance Forms for their approved budget are grantedÌýautomatic accessÌýto Banner ePrint, and are able to view the specific reports that pertain only to their Organization Budget Codes.
ePrint Log IN
and enter your login credentials.ÌýNOTE: These should be the same credentials you use to log into your Banner account.
Repository Message
Please be sure to view theÌýRepository MessageÌýat the top of the screen as soon as you login to ensure you are reviewing the most current report information and any other pertinent budget report information!ÌýThis must be doneÌýevery timeÌýyou login to ePrint!
Payroll Reports
For users that require Banner ePrint Payroll Reports, you must request access by completing theÌýEprint Payroll Report Request Sheet. Access to Payroll Reports is NOT guaranteed, nor automatic. ItÌýmustÌýbe requested and approved!
Need Banner Access?
To request Banner Access, please .
Please view theÌýÌývideo for basic login, navigation, and introduction information. We also recommend you download the completeÌýePrint Training ManualÌýfor reference.
ePrint reports may be opened and saved as PDF, TXT, or CVS files. To access past-month's reports, use theÌýDrillÌýicon to "drill down" and view a list of all stored report versions listed in descending date order.ÌýTo search for particular reports pertaining to a Fund or Organization Code, please see the Pick Pages tab.
The most commonly used reports currently available are:
- FGRBDSC- Budget Status Report
- FGRODTA- Organizational Detail Activity Report
However, if you have been granted access, other reports will also be loaded. These may include:
- FAROINV - Open Invoice Report
- FARVHST - Vendor History Report
- FGRBLSH - Balance Sheet
- FGRCGBS - Comparative Balance Sheets
- FGRBHFB - 91¶ÌÊÓƵment of Change in Net Assets
- FGRFAAC - Fund/Account Activity Report
- FGRGLTA - General Ledger Detail Transaction
If you have access to viewÌýMonthly Payroll ReportsÌý(listed below), you may find more specific information about them in theÌýePrint Manual.
- NHRSDST- the Employee Payroll Summary by Organization
- NWRSDST- the Employee Payroll Summary by Organization
Please view theÌýÌývideo for basic login, navigation, and introduction information. We also recommend you download the completeÌýePrint Training ManualÌýfor reference.Ìý
Some users who oversee multiple Funds or Organization Codes may be able to "pick" the details they would like to view in particular reports. TheÌýPick PagesÌýprocess allows users to pick the funds or budgets they wish to appear on the displayed reports.
Please view theÌýÌývideo for basic login, navigation, and introduction information. We also recommend you download the completeÌýePrint Training ManualÌýfor reference.
Banner ePrint allows users to create customized reports lists in theÌýMy ePrintÌýlink on the user's homepage. The video explains how to properly setup aÌýMy ePrintÌýcustomized list.
Please view theÌýÌývideo for basic login, navigation, and introduction information. We also recommend you download the completeÌýePrint Training ManualÌýfor reference.
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