Old Dominion Advising Network (ODAN) provides professional development opportunities to campus constituencies involved in all aspects of advising through the exchange of ideas, best practices, and latest trends. Membership is open to the entire campus community including all faculty, staff, and graduate students, including those in non-traditional advising roles. ODAN is an official allied member of the .
ODAN Membership is open to all ODU faculty, staff, and graduate students.
Membership Dues:
- $25 for faculty/staff
- $15 for graduate students
ODAN Membership includes access to all organization events.
Contact Kelsey Whitlow, ODAN Treasurer, at聽kwhitlow@odu.edu.
ODAN Executive Board
Chair: Christine Woods
Treasurer: Kelsey Whitlow
Secretary: Anna Lacy
Past Chair: Andy Grizzard
Advisor: Cat Moss
Member-at-Large: Kerri Musick
Member-at-Large: Vinecia Bunch
Member-at-Large: Emma Kearley
Member-at-Large: Sierra Garrett
Constitution & Bylaws
Section 1
The name of this Association shall be the Old Dominion Advising Network (ODAN), hereinafter referred to as the Association.
Section 1
The general purpose of this Association shall be to provide professional development opportunities to campus constituencies involved in all aspects of advising through the exchange of ideas, best practices, and latest trends.
Section 2
The Association shall serve as an allied member of NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising.
Section 1
Membership in this Association shall be open to all faculty, staff, and graduate students, including those in non-traditional advising roles, at Old Dominion 91短视频.
Section 2
Membership shall be established by submission of an annual membership form and payment of annual dues.
Section 3
Membership shall run June 1-May 31.
Section 1
The elected officers of this Association shall be Chair, Chair-Elect, Past-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Programs Chair.
Section 2
The elected officers shall serve a one-year term which shall begin in June and run through the end of the following May (June 1 - May 31). There are no term limits to be reelected, as long as the election process is followed.
Section 3
The Executive Board shall consist of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Past-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Programs Chair, and Members-at-Large of all standing committees not to exceed 15 people. Executive Board members may only hold one office per term.
Section 4
The Executive Board shall conduct, manage, and control the business of this Association during the periods between the meetings of the Association.
Section 5
The Executive Board shall meet regularly at a time to be determined by the committee at its first meeting following annual elections. Other meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the Chair or at the request of a simple majority of the Executive Board membership. The Executive Board shall approve all committee memberships.
Section 1
It shall be the duty of the Chair to provide leadership and direction in support of the Association's mission. The Chair shall preside at all business meetings and prepare agendas in consultation with members of the Executive Board. The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and responsible for the Association budget. The Chair trains and works collaboratively with the Chair-Elect to share responsibilities in leading the Association. The Chair will remain on the Executive Board a second year as Past-Chair. If an Executive Board position becomes vacant, the Chair may appoint a member-at-large to fill that position. The Chair reserves rooms for meetings and other events as needed.
Section 2
The Chair-Elect shall collaborate with the Chair to share responsibilities in leading the Association, including assisting with meeting agendas and presiding over meetings in preparation for the transition to the Chair role in the following year. The Chair-Elect shall chair the Technology standing committee and provide updates to the Executive Board. The Chair-Elect assumes the position of Chair if the Chair position becomes vacant. The Chair-Elect will remain on the Executive Board a second year as Chair, and a third year as Past-Chair..
Section 3
The Past Chair shall provide guidance to the Chair and Chair-Elect on matters relating to the leadership of the Association. The Past Chair shall serve as a member on at least one standing committee.
Section 4
The Secretary shall record accurate minutes and attendance of all Association meetings and programs, saving records in the shared electronic drive for the Association within a timely manner. The Secretary shall chair the Communication standing committee and provide updates to the Executive Board.
Section 5
The Treasurer shall oversee the security of the Association bank account and materials. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual Association budget in consultation with the Executive Board and provide regular budget updates at Executive Board meetings throughout the year. The Treasurer shall maintain an accurate record of expenditures and membership dues; including keeping a database of paid members. The Treasurer shall serve on related standing committees.
Section 6
The Programs Chair shall assist with the planning of Association events under the guidance of the Chair. The Programs Chair shall provide coordination of all logistics for Association events to include securing locations, developing advertising materials, and identifying any merchandise and/or food to be ordered. The Programs Chair shall chair the Programming standing committee and provide updates to the Executive Board.
Section 7
Members-at-Large shall be volunteer positions that serve on designated standing committees and the Executive Board. Members-at-Large can be asked to fill open positions on the Executive Board by the Chair.
Section 1
The Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Programs Chair of this Association shall be elected by a majority by all members of the Association. Election shall be determined by plurality of votes cast.
Section 2
Members seeking a position on the Executive Board for the first time must have actively participated in Association events or initiatives in the year prior to the start of the term. Members seeking re-election to the Executive Board must have attended a majority of the Executive Board meetings during the previous year.
Section 3
Members seeking an elected position will submit a platform statement, current role at ODU, and summary of involvement with the Association for distribution to membership.
Section 4
A confidential, electronic vote will be sent to current members of the Association to cast their ballot. The voting process, counting and tallying of the ballots, and announcement of the winners will be presided over by the Chair and Chair-Elect. The election process timeline shall be as follows: Nominations solicited in mid-April. Voting held in early-May. Results finalized in mid-May. Newly elected board members take office by June 1.
Section 5
If an Executive Board position becomes vacant other than Chair, a member-at-large or the Past-Chair may be appointed to fill that position by the Chair. If the Chair position becomes vacant, the Chair-Elect becomes Chair. If the Past-Chair position becomes vacant, it will remain open.
Section 1
The Association may include the following standing Committees: Technology, Communication, and Programming.
Section 2
The elected officers shall chair their designated committee and throughout their term attend relevant meetings, be a point of contact, and report back at Association meetings. They may delegate duties and responsibilities of the Committee including creation of organizational structure to support Committee work as necessary.
Section 3
The Technology standing committee will be chaired by the Association Chair-Elect. The purpose of the Technology standing committee is to assist in securing any technology needs for Association events including coordinating with appropriate campus offices for any media needs or WebEx support. This committee will review the Association website to keep it updated with correct content, links, and past event recordings.
Section 4
The Communication standing committee will be chaired by the Association Secretary. The purpose of the Communication standing committee is to ensure accurate and timely distribution of information to Association membership. The committee shall oversee the development of an advisor newsletter, ensure assessment of Association events, and archive information and materials for future reference in the Association shared drive.
Section 5
The Programming standing committee will be chaired by the Association Programs Chair. The purpose of the Programming standing committee is to assist in planning programs in support of the Association's mission of providing advising professional development opportunities to include coordinating event logistics and publicity. This committee shall partner closely with the Association Chair, Treasurer, and Communication standing committee.
Section 6
Any Association member can petition the Chair for creation or removal of a committee. Petitions will be presented to the Executive Board for approval. If approved by a majority vote, bylaws will be amended in line with petition.
Section 1
The fiscal year of this Association shall be from June 1 to May 31.
Section 2
The dues of this Association shall be recommended by the Executive Board and voted on at a meeting open to all Association members. Approval of dues will require a majority vote of members present at that meeting.
Section 3
Annual income and expense budgets shall be drafted by the Treasurer in consultation with the Chair, and submitted to the Executive Board for formal approval at its first meeting of the fiscal year.
Section 4
Income and expense reports shall be drafted by the Treasurer and submitted to the Executive Board for its formal approval at monthly meetings.
Section 1
The Association's annual activities shall consist of a minimum of one social event, three professional development events (e.g., advising conference, workshops, lunch and learn meetings), and an election open to all Association members.
Section 1
Except as is provided in Section 2 below, amendments to the By-Laws may be acted upon only at a meeting of the Executive Board. An amendment may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board present.
Section 2
If, in the judgment of the Executive Board, action upon a proposed amendment is desirable before the next business meeting, it may be taken through email following presentation of the amendment to all members of the Executive Board. If two-thirds of the Executive Board vote affirmatively, the amendment shall be adopted.
Section 3
These By-Laws and any amendments thereto become effective immediately upon adoption by vote of the Executive Board, as specified in Article XII, Section 1 and 2.