Master Lecturer & Gen Ed Proc & Pol Spec
Biological Sciences
Tatyana Lobova PhD
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Botany, Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, (2000)
M.S. in Biology/Botany, St. Petersburg 91短视频 91短视频, (1994)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Plag, H. "Building Conservation Leaders for the Future: Curriculum, Certificates, Internships and Research Agenda" $185,000. Federal. July 01, 2015 - December 30, 2019
- Lobova, T. "Biotic Surveys and Inventories, research in undergraduate institutions supplement" $10,377. Federal. 2008 - 2010
- Lobova, T. "Biotic Surveys and Inventories, grant Inventory of plants dispersed by bats in Neotropical forest" $336,000. Federal. 2004 - 2008
- Lobova, T. "Grant supplement for color illustrations in book Seed Dispersal by Bats in the Neotropics" $4,000. Private. 2006 - 2006
Research Interests
Plant Biology, Tropical Ecology, Plant-Animal Interaction, Conservation
- Hill, E., Zajchowski, C., Plag, H. and Lobova (2023). The Role of Triple Loop Learning in Fostering Future Conservation Leaders: Assessing High-Impact Practices. . Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership 15 (1) , pp. 103-115.
- Kunz, T. H.., Braun de Torres, E., Bauer, D. M.., Lobova, T. and Fleming, T. H.. (2011). Ecosystems Services Provided by Bats. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1223 , pp. 1-38.
- Mori, S. A.., Gracie, C. A.., Hecklau, E. F.., Lobova, T., Berkov, A. and de Granville, J. J.. (2005). Documenting plant diversity in central French Guiana: The first step toward understanding biocomplexity. Biol. Skr. 55 , pp. 11-24.
- Lobova, T. and Mori, S. A.. (2004). Epizoochorous dispersal by bats in French Guiana. J. Trop. Ecology 20 , pp. 581-582.
- Lobova, T., Mori, S. A., Blanchard, F., Peckham, H. and Charles-Dominique, P. (2003). Cecropia as a food resource for bats in French Guiana and the significance of fruit structure in seed dispersal and longevity. American Journal of Botany 90 , pp. 338-403.
- Lobova, T., Geiselman, C. K.. and Mori, S. A.. (2009). Seed Dispersal by Bats in the Neotropics. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, NYBG Press.
Book Chapters
- Pell, S. K.., Mitchell, J. D.., Miller, A. J. . and Lobova, T. (2011). Anacardiaceae The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. (pp. 7-50) New York: Springer.
- Lobova, T. (2011). Family Pentaphragmataceae Nauka, St. Petersburg: Comparative Seed Anatomy.
- Lobova, T. (2011). Family Sphenocleaceae Nauka, St. Petersburg: Comparative Seed Anatomy.
- DeSocio, A., Hill, E. L., Zajchowski, C., Plag, H. and Lobova, T. (February 8, 2020). Assessing High-Impact Practices: The Role of Triple Loop Learning in Fostering Future Conservation Leaders Poster Undergraduate Research Symposium Norfolk, VA.
- DeSocio, A., Watson, L., DeVleeschower, A., Hill, E. L., Lobova, T. and Plag, H. (February 8, 2020). Meeting the Water Needs of the People of Puerto Rico While Safeguarding Freshwater Ecosystems: A Case Study Poster Undergraduate Research Symposium Norfolk, VA.
- Hill, E. L., Plag, H., Lobova, T., Zajchowski, C. and DeSocio, A. (November 13, 2019). Assessing High-Impact Practices: The Role of Triple Loop Learning in Fostering Future Conservation Leaders Oral Presentation Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education Spokane, WA.
- Lobova, T. A. (January 15, 2019). Effect of Climate Change on Native Plants Keynote/Plenary Address 2019 Mid-Atlantic Horticulture Short Course Virginia Beach, Virginia.
- Lobova, T. and Steiner, B. (November 3, 2018). Effect of Climate Change on Native Plants Oral Presentation Shifting Landscapes: Traditions and Trend Norfolk, VA.
- Lobova, T. and Eddins, E. A. (May 19, 2015). Introducing Service Learning to Large Enrolment Gen Ed Course Oral Presentation CLT Summer Institute Norfolk.
- Lobova, T. (October 16, 2014). Application of IDW to large enrolment course Keynote/Plenary Address Panel discussion "Interdisciplinary Writing across ODU" Norfolk, VA.
- Lobova, T. (September , 2013). Bat Walk Demonstration Norfolk, VA.
- Geiselman, C. K., Lobova, T. and Mori, S. A. ( 2011). Seed dispersal and reforestattion by bats in South American rain forests. Oral Presentation 96th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of America Austin, TX.
- Lobova, T. and Mazer, S. ( 2009). Bats and Fruits: Ecological Association or Mutual Evolution. Oral Presentation Annual meeting of the North American Society for Bat Research Portland, OR..
- Lobova, T. ( 2009). Bats and Plants: the nocturnal interactions in the Amazonian rainforest Oral Presentation Norfolk, VA.
- Lobova, T., Geiselman, C. K.. and Mori, S. A.. ( 2008). An upcoming monograph on seed dispersal by bats. Paramaribo, Suriname.
- Lobova, T., Geiselman, C. K.. and Mori, S. A.. ( 2008). Overview and analysis of seed dispersal by bats Botany without Borders Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Lobova, T. ( 2008). Batty for Bats: Bat/Plant Relationships in the Neotropics Oral Presentation Department of Biological Sciences seminar series Old Dominion 91短视频.
- Geiselman, C. K.., Lobova, T. and Mori, S. A.. ( 2008). Keeping Track of Bat/Plant Interactions Paramaribo, Suriname.
- Lobova, T. (May , 2008). Bat Walks Oral Presentation Norfolk, VA.
- Lobova, T., Geiselman, C. K.. and Mori, S. A.. ( 2007). Plants Dispersed by Bats in the Neotropics Botany and Plant Biology: Joint Congress Chicago ,IL.
- Geiselman, C. K.., Lobova, T. and Mori, S. A.. ( 2007). Adding up the Neotropic's Bat/Plant Interactions XIV International Bat Research Conference Merida, Mexico.
- Lobova, T., Greiselman, C. K.. and Mori, S. A.. ( 2007). Seed Dispersal by Bats in the Neotropics XIV International Bat Research Conference Merida, Mexico.
- Lobova, T., Geiselman, C. K.. and Mori, S. A.. ( 2006). Plants Dispersed by bats in French Guiana; selection, preferences, and dietary overlap Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation Kunming, China.
- Lobova, T. ( 2006). Bats, Plants, and their Interactions in the Tropics Oral Presentation New York, New York.
- Lobova, T. ( 2005). Bats and Plants in the New World Tropics Oral Presentation New York, New York.
- Lobova, T. and Mori, S. A.. ( 2005). Bat-Fruit Syndrome: Myths and Reality in the Neotropics. Fourth International Symposium/Workshop Brisbane, Australia.
- Lobova, T. ( 2005). Plants Dispersed by Bats in the Neotropics New York, New York.
- Lobova, T. ( 2005). Bat/Plant Interactions in the Neotropics Lecture Scientific seminar series New York, New York.
- Lobova, T. (September , 2004). Bat survey Oral Presentation Bronx, NY.
- Lobova, T. (September , 2004). Bat Walks Oral Presentation New York, New York.
- Lobova, T. (August , 2004). Bat Walks Demonstration (Central Park) New York, New York.
- Lobova, T. (May , 2004). Bat Walks Demonstration New York, New York.
- Lobova, T. ( 2003). Bat Survey Oral Presentation New York, New York.
- 2021: Faculty Development Award for redevelopment of online Gen Ed courses for non-majors , ODU Office of Academic Affairs/Faculty Senate
- 2018: 91短视频 Distinguished Teacher designation, ODU Office of Academic Affairs
- 2017: Faculty Development Award for developing two new core courses for Conservation Leadership Minor, ODU Office of Academic Affairs
- 2016: The Distinguished Teaching Award, Lecturer 2015-16, College of Sciences
- 2016: You Make the Difference Award, ODU SEES department
- 2015: Service-Learning Instructional Grant Awards , ODU Office of Leadership & Student Involvement
- 2014: Faculty Development Award for developing Service Learning Lab activities, ODU Office of Academic Affairs
- 2014: Service-Learning Instructional Grant Awards , ODU Office of Leadership & Student Involvement
- 2014: Service-Learning Instructional Grant Awards , ODU Office of Leadership & Student Involvement
- 2013: Faculty Development Award for developing a lab manual for BIOL 108 Environmental Science , ODU Office of Academic Affairs
- 2013: The Distinguished Teaching Award, Lecturer, ODU College of Sciences
- 2012: Faculty Development Award for developing a lab manual for BIOL 109 Intro to Human Biology , ODU Office of Academic Affairs
- 2011: Shining Star Award , ODU Division of Student Affairs
- 2010: Biotic Surveys and Inventories, Research in Undergraduate Institutions Supplement , National Science Foundation
- 2006: grant supplement for color illustrations in book Seed Dispersal by Bats in the Neotropics , Beneficia Foundation
- 2004: Biotic Surveys and Inventories, grant Inventory of plants dispersed by bats in a Neotropical forest , National Science Foundation
- 2003: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Atlas of Seeds Dispersed by Bats in the Neotropics , National Science Foundation鈥揘ATO
- 2002: grant Plants Dispersed by Bats in French Guiana, National Geographic Society
- 2002: Postdoctoral Fellowship, project Plants Dispersed by Bats in the Neotropics , Bat Conservation International
- 2001: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Bat/Seed Dispersal in the Neotropics , Beneficia Foundation
- 1995: grant Comparative Seed Anatomy , Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- 1994: Graduate Student Fellowship, George Soros Foundation