Ryan Klinger
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Management, 91短视频 of Florida, (2012)
B.S. in Psychology, 91短视频 of Florida, (2004)
M.S. in Management, 91短视频 of Florida, (2004)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Klinger, R., Gordon, S., Mengistu, B. and Henley, T. "Stakeholder perspectives of the needed and actual competencies, values, and attitudes of city and county government procurement officials" $10,000. Other. October 2015 - June 2016
Research Interests
Personality Testing in the Workplace
Identity-Reputation Incongruence
Employee Recruitment and Selection
Job Attitudes
Career Success
Research Methods: Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Multilevel Modeling, & Meta-analysis
- Klinger, R. and Siangchokyoo, N. (2024). Finding better raters: The role of observer personality on the validity of observer-reported personality in predicting job performance.. Journal of Research in Personality 108.
- Siangchokyoo, N. and Klinger, R. (2021). Shared leadership and team performance: The joint effect of team dispositional composition and collective identification. Group & Organization Management 47 (1) , pp. 109-140.
- Siangchokyoo, N., Klinger, R. and Campion, E. (2019). Follower transformation as the linchpin of transformational leadership theory: A systematic review and future research agenda. The Leadership Quarterly 31 (1).
- Mallon, M. R., Lanivich, S. and Klinger, R. (2018). Resource configurations for new family venture growth. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research 24 , pp. 521-537.
- Frazier, M. Lance., Fainshmidt, S., Klinger, R., Vracheva, V. and Pezeshkan, A. (2017). Psychological safety: A meta-analytic review and extension. Personnel Psychology 70 (1) , pp. 113-165.
- Zheng, Thundiyil, T., Klinger, R. and Hinrichs, A. T.. (2016). Curvilinear relationships between role clarity and supervisor satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology 31 (1) , pp. 110-126.
- Judge, T. A., Rodell, J. B., Klinger, R., Simon, L. S. and Crawford, E. A. (2013). Hierarchical representations of the Five-Factor Model of personality in predicting job performance: Integrating three organizing frameworks with two theoretical perspectives.. Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (6) , pp. 875-925.
- Podsakoff, N. P., Podsakoff, P. P., MacKenzie, S. B. and Klinger, R. (2013). Are we really measuring what we say we鈥檙e measuring? Using video techniques to supplement traditional construct validation procedures.. Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (1) , pp. 99-113.
- Judge, T. A., Klinger, R. and Simon, L. S. (2010). Time is on my side: Time, general mental ability, human capital, and extrinsic career success. Journal of Applied Psychology 95 (1) , pp. 92-107.
- Judge, T. A., Klinger, R., Simon, L. S. and Yang, I. W F. (2008). The contributions of personality to organizational behavior and psychology: findings, criticisms, and future research directions. Social and Personality Psychology Compass 2 (5) , pp. 1982-2000.
- Judge, T. A., Heller, D. and Klinger, R. (2008). The dispositional sources of job satisfaction: A comparative test. Applied Psychology: An International Review 57 (3) , pp. 361-372.
Book Chapters
- Judge, T. A., Klinger, R. and Li, M. (2023). Promote job satisfaction through mental challenge Principles of Organizational Behavior: The Handbook of Evidence-Based Management (pp. 161-179) New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Klinger, R. and Mallon, M. (2015). Personality and values at work International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (pp. 821-826) Oxford: Elsevier.
- Judge, T. A. and Klinger, R. (2009). Promote job satisfaction through mental challenge Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior (pp. 107-121) Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
- Judge, T. A. and Klinger, R. (2008). Job satisfaction: Subjective well-being at work The Science of Subjective Well-Being (pp. 92-107) New York: Guilford Publications.
Conference Proceeding
- Siangchokyoo, N. and Klinger, R. (2022). Perceived organizational support and transformational leadership on empowerment and outcomes Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Oksoy, A., Bennett, A. A., Nair, A. and Klinger, R. (2019). Dealing with angels: The anchoring effect Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- Zheng, X., Thundiyil, T., Klinger, R. and Hinrichs, A. T.. (2018). The curious case of the curvilinear relationship between role clarity and supervisor satisfaction Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Mallon, M., Klinger, R. and Lanivich, S. (2017). Configurations of human, social, and financial capital as predictors of new family firm success Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Klinger, R. (2013). Examining the role of observer personality on the predictive validity of personality ratings (pp. 6) Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- Yusuf, J., Klinger, R., Escobales, N. and Igloria, L. A. (March 15, 2024). Teaching for the First Time: A Workshop for Future Faculty Oral Presentation Career Pathways: Professional development to bridge graduate school and career success Old Dominion 91短视频.
- Klinger, R. (November , 2023). 2023 Hampton Roads Regional Trends and Workforce Challenges Oral Presentation Strome/SHRM Hampton Roads Regional Workforce Conference Norfolk, VA.
- Klinger, R. (August , 2022). Career shocks, worries, and plateaus Oral Presentation Academy of Management Seattle, WA.
- Klinger, R. (August , 2022). Making it happen: Effectively navigating the dissertation process Oral Presentation Academy of Management Seattle, Washington.
- Siangchokyoo, N. and Klinger, R. (August , 2022). Perceived organizational support and transformational leadership on empowerment and outcomes Oral Presentation Academy of Management Seattle, Washington.
- Currant, P., Burnett, R., Klinger, R., Hawkins, K. and Wojtowicz, R. (February 25, 2022). Leadership and Trust Oral Presentation Provost's Leadership Development Series Virtual Webinar.
- Klinger, R. (August , 2021). Making it happen: Effectively navigating the dissertation process Oral Presentation Academy of Management Virtual Conference.
- Klinger, R. (May , 2021). 2021 Comprehensive Regional Workforce Analysis and Study: Strategic Recommendations for Organizations Oral Presentation Strome/SHRM Hampton Roads Regional Workforce Conference Norfolk, VA.
- Currant, P., Reynolds, S., Nair, A. and Klinger, R. (October 12, 2020). Leadership and Trust Oral Presentation Provost's Leadership Development Series Virtual Webinar.
- Klinger, R. (August , 2020). Making it happen: Effectively navigating the dissertation process Oral Presentation Academy of Management Virtual Conference.
- Klinger, R., Ermilina, V., Farrell, M. and Siangchokyoo, N. (February , 2020). Exploring the equifinality of career success: Using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to investigate the links between personality, cognitive ability, and career success Oral Presentation Academy of Management Careers Division Conference Vienna, Austria.
- Klinger, R. (January , 2020). 2020 Comprehensive Regional Workforce Analysis and Study: Strategic Recommendations for Organizations Oral Presentation Strome/SHRM Hampton Roads Regional Workforce Conference Norfolk, VA.
- Klinger, R., Siangchokyoo, N. and Farrell, M. (October , 2019). Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA): A methodological primer and experiential learning workshop Oral Presentation Southern Management Association Norfolk, VA.
- Oksoy, A., Bennett, A. A., Nair, A. and Klinger, R. (August , 2019). Dealing with angels: The anchoring effect Oral Presentation Academy of Management Boston, MA.
- Klinger, R. (August , 2019). Making it happen: Effectively navigating the dissertation process Oral Presentation Academy of Management Boston, MA.
- Klinger, R. (August , 2019). Navigating Human Capital Development in the New World of Work Oral Presentation Academy of Management Boston, MA.
- Klinger, R. (February 22, 2019). Tips for Managing Comprehensive Exams Oral Presentation CBPA Dean's Research Seminar .
- Klinger, R. (January 16, 2019). Other Preparing for Tenure .
- Klinger, R. (November , 2018). Interviewing Strategies Oral Presentation .
- Klinger, R. (October 12, 2018). Advising with Emotional Intelligence Oral Presentation 2018 ODAN Conference .
- Klinger, R. (September 29, 2018). Leading with Emotional Intelligence Oral Presentation Student Leadership Academy .
- Klinger, R. (September 28, 2018). Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Oral Presentation National Newspaper Association's Annual Convention .
- Klinger, R. (September 28, 2018). Motivation 101: Simplifying the Motivation Process at Work Oral Presentation National Newspaper Association's Annual Convention .
- Klinger, R. (August , 2018). Making it happen: Effectively navigating the dissertation process Oral Presentation Academy of Management Chicago, IL.
- Klinger, R. (August , 2018). Managing and Sustaining Talent Across Different Occupational Contexts Oral Presentation Academy of Management Chicago, IL.
- Klinger, R. (October , 2017). Lecture Employee Training Workshop: Teamwork and Team Building Town Point Club, Norfolk, VA.
- Klinger, R. (October , 2017). Decluttering the front page: A method for organizing blackboard websites Demonstration Strome College of Business Teaching Moments .
- Klinger, R. (September 20, 2017). Other Preparing for Tenure .
- Klinger, R. and Bennett, A. A. (August , 2017). Making it happen: Effectively navigating the dissertation process Oral Presentation Academy of Management Atlanta, GA.
- Klinger, R. (August , 2017). Occupational mobility, pay, and satisfaction Oral Presentation Academy of Management Atlanta, GA.
- Klinger, R. (October 5, 2016). Other Online Teaching Workshop .
- Klinger, R. (September 14, 2016). Other Preparing for Tenure .
- Klinger, R. (August , 2016). Five shades of grey: Exploring the lighter side of the dark triad Oral Presentation Academy of Management Anaheim, CA.
- Klinger, R. and Mallon, M. R. (August , 2016). Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) in careers research: A methodological primer (Professional Development Workshop) Oral Presentation Academy of Management Anaheim, CA.
- Mallon, M., Lanivich, S. and Klinger, R. (August , 2016). The right stuff: Resources for new venture performance in the start-up and growth stages Oral Presentation Academy of Management Anaheim, CA.
- Amini Sedeh, A., Moeini Gharagozloo, M. and Klinger, R. (August , 2016). When it pays to be shady: The dark triad and susceptibility to decision making heuristics Oral Presentation Academy of Management Anaheim, CA.
- Gordon, S., Klinger, R., Mengistu, B. and Henley, T. (August , 2016). The values and traits that lead to success Oral Presentation National Institute for Public Procurement Forum National Harbor, MD.
- Klinger, R. (May , 2016). Lecture Employee Training Workshop: Emotional Intelligence Development Norfolk, VA.
- Mallon, M., Lanivich, S. and Klinger, R. (October , 2015). Configurations of human, social, and financial capital as predictors of new venture success Oral Presentation Strategic Management Society Denver, CO.
- Klinger, R. (September , 2015). Lecture Executive Training Workshop: Emotional Intelligence Development Town Point Club, Norfolk, VA.
- Klinger, R. and Mallon, M. (August , 2015). A fuzzy-set examination of the equifinality of career success Oral Presentation Academy of Management Vancouver, BC Canada.
- Mallon, M., Klinger, R. and Lanivich, S. (August , 2015). Configurations of human, social, and financial capital as predictors of new family firm success Oral Presentation Academy of Management Vancouver, BC Canada.
- Klinger, R. and Mallon, M. (August , 2015). Understanding antecedents, processes, and contextual forces that shape career success Oral Presentation Academy of Management : Showcase Symposium / Award Finalist for Best Symposium in the Careers Division Vancouver, BC Canada.
- Klinger, R. (May , 2015). Lecture Management Training Workshop: Leadership Development Town Point Club, Norfolk, VA.
- Klinger, R. (March 20, 2015). Other Teaching Workshop .
- Klinger, R. (February , 2015). Lecture Employee Training Workshop: Teamwork and Team Building Town Point Club, Norfolk, VA.
- Klinger, R. (August , 2014). Lecture Management Training Workshop: Leadership Development Town Point Club, Norfolk, VA.
- Klinger, R. (February 07, 2014). Personality in the Workplace Oral Presentation CBPA Dean's Research Seminar .
- Klinger, R. (September , 2013). Careers in Human Resource Management Oral Presentation .
- Klinger, R. (August , 2013). Examining the Role of Observer Personality on the Predictive Validity of Personality Ratings Oral Presentation Academy of Management Orlando, FL.
- Zheng, X., Thundiyil, T., Klinger, R. and Hinrichs, A. T. (August , 2013). The Curious Case of the Curvilinear Relationship Between Role Clarity and Supervisor Satisfaction Oral Presentation Academy of Management Orlando, FL.
- Thundiyil, T. and Klinger, R. (April , 2013). Mediating effects of engagement between Machiavellianism and job satisfaction Poster Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Houston, TX.
- Frazier, M. Lance., Fainshmidt, S., Klinger, R., Vracheva, V. and Pezeshkan, A. (August , 2012). A Meta-analytic Examination of the Antecedents and Consequences of Psychological Safety Paper Academy of Management Boston, MA.
- Nichols, A. L., Judge, T. A. and Klinger, R. (August , 2011). Core Self-evaluations: A Multilevel Perspective Paper Academy of Management San Antonio, TX.
- Podsakoff, N. P. and Klinger, R. (August , 2011). Using Video Technology to Validate Management Constructs Paper Academy of Management San Antonio, TX.
- Klinger, R. and Judge, T. A. (August , 2010). Do Core Self-evaluations Moderate the Relationship between Pay and Job and Life Attitudes? Paper Academy of Management Montreal, QC.
- Klinger, R., Judge, T. A., Mueller, J. B., Simon, L. S. and Crawford, E. A. (August , 2008). Broad and Narrow Traits as Predictors of Leadership, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance: A Meta-analysis Paper Academy of Management Anaheim, CA.
- Klinger, R. and Piccolo, R. F. (April , 2007). The Employment Interview: Constructs, Questions, and Directions for Improvement Other Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology New York, NY.
- Klinger, R. L. and Judge, T. A. (April , 2007). Examining the Incremental Validity of the Employment Interview: Beyond Conscientiousness and Cognitive Ability Paper Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology New York, NY.
- 2022: EV Williams Fellowship for Teaching, Research, and Service, Old Dominion 91短视频 Strome College of Business
- 2022: Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, Old Dominion 91短视频
- 2018: ODU Nominee for Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching, Old Dominion 91短视频 Strome College of Business
- 2017: EV Williams Fellowship for Teaching and Service, Old Dominion 91短视频 Strome College of Business
- 2017: MBA Professor of the Year, Old Dominion 91短视频 Strome College of Business
- 2017: SHRM Student ChapterMerit Award (Faculty Advisor), Society for Human Resource Management
- 2016: Conference Submission awarded "Best Paper" Designation, Academy of Management: Entrepreneurship Division
- 2016: Department Nominee for Tonelson Teaching Award, Old Dominion 91短视频 Department of Management
- 2016: Game Day Professor (Nominated by ODU Football Student-Athletes, Old Dominion 91短视频 - Athletic Academic Advising
- 2016: Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, Old Dominion 91短视频 Strome College of Business
- 2016: Shining Star Recognition, Division of Student Engagement and Enrollment Services
- 2016: Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management: Careers Division
- 2016: Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management: Organizational Behavior Division
- 2015: Best Symposium Finalist Award - Careers Division, Academy of Management
- 2015: College Nominee for SCHEV Rising Star Award, Old Dominion 91短视频 Strome College of Business
- 2015: Shining Star Recognition, Division of Student Engagement and Enrollment Services
- 2015: SHRM Student Chapter Honorable Mention Award (Faculty Advisor), Society for Human Resource Management
- 2014: MBA Professor of the Year, Old Dominion 91短视频 Strome College of Business
- 2014: Scholarly Achievement Award for "Most Significant Article in Human Resource Management Published in 2013", Academy of Management Human Resource Division
- 2014: SHRM Student Chapter Honorable Mention Award (Faculty Advisor), Society for Human Resource Management
- 2013: Conference Submission awarded "Best Paper" Designation, Academy of Management: Organizational Behavior Division
- 2010: Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management: Organizational Behavior Division