Associate Professor
Ruth Osorio
NORFOLK, 23529
Research Interests
Rhetoric, disability studies, feminist historiography, social movements, writing pedagogy
- Osorio, R., Hutchison, A., Primeau, S., Ubbesen, M. and Champoux-Crowley, A. (2021). The Laborious Reality vs. the Imagined Ideal of Graduate Student Instructors of Writing. WPA.
- Osorio, R. (2021). Constellating with our Foremothers: Stories of Mothers Making Space in Rhetoric and Composition. constellations: a cultural rhetorics publishing space.
- Osorio, R. and Hubrig, A. (2020). Enacting a Culture of Access in Our Conference Spaces. College Composition and Communication.
- Osorio, R. (2020). I Am #ActuallyAutistic, Hear Me Tweet: The Autist-Topoi of Autistic Activists on Twitter. enculturation (31).
- Osorio, R. (2017). Embodying Truth: Sylvia Rivera鈥檚 Delivery of Parrhesia at the 1973 Christopher Street Liberation Day Rally. Rhetoric Review 36 (2).
Book Chapters
- Osorio, R., Hutchison, A. and Fiscus, J. (2021). Braiding Stories, Taking Action: A Narrative of Graduate Worker-Led Change Work Transformations: Change Work Across Writing Programs, Pedagogies, and Practices 91短视频 of Colorado Press.
- Osorio, R. (2020). A Disability-as-Insight Approach to Multimodal Assessment Improving Outcomes: Disciplinary Writing, Local Assessment, and the Aim of Fairness MLA.
- 2020: Disability in College Composition Travel Award. , CCCC
- 2020: Kate Broderick Faculty Award for Excellence in Promoting Educational Accessibility, Old Dominion 91短视频
- 2019: Summer Research Grant, ODU College of Arts and Letters
- 2017: Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship, 91短视频 of Maryland Graduate School
- 2017: James A. Robinson Excellence in Teaching Award, 91短视频 of Maryland English Department
- 2017: Nan Johnson Outstanding Graduate Student Travel Award, Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition
- 2016: All-S.T.A.R. (Scholarship, Teaching, Administration, Research) Fellowship, 91短视频 of Maryland Graduate School