Rachel Johnson
NORFOLK, 23529
Dr. Johnson has expertise in augmentative and alternative communication and acquired apraxia of speech. As a first-generation scholar, she understands the value of access to opportunities and mentoring. She is a co-advisor of the ODU National Speech-Language and Hearing Association (NSSLHA) chapter, serves as a mentor for early career researchers, and welcomes student involvement in her research lab.
Ph.D. in Communication Science and Disorders, Florida 91¶ÌÊÓƵ 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, (2014)
M.S. in Communication Science and Disorders, East Carolina 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, (2006)
B.A. in Biology, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ of North Carolina Wilmington, (1999)
- Speech-Language Pathology License
- Sponsoring Organization: VA Board of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology
- Date Obtained: 2014-08-14
- Assistive Technology
- Sponsoring Organization: East Carolina 91¶ÌÊÓƵ
- Date Obtained: 2006-01-01
- Certificate of Clinical Competency
- Sponsoring Organization: American Speech-Language Hearing Association
- Date Obtained: 2006-01-01
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Johnson, R. K. "" $4,000. Old Dominion 91¶ÌÊÓƵ. August 2016 - December 2016
- Johnson, R. K. "Investigation of Prefrontal Cortical Activity during Working Memory and Attention Tasks in Aphasia." $10,000. Private. -
- Johnson, R. K. "Comparison of motor learning guided approach and sound production treatment of novel speech in healthy adults using meaningful stimuli" $7,000. Old Dominion 91¶ÌÊÓƵ. May 2015 - July 2015
Research Interests
Dr. Johnson's research interests involve cognitive and procedural aspects of learning with a specific interest in the role of structure of practice, schedule of feedback, and motivation in neurocognitive recovery to optimize communication, participation, self-efficacy, and quality of life.
- Raymer, A. M.. and Johnson, R. K. (2024). Effectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation as an Adjuvant to Aphasia Treatment Following Stroke: Evidence From Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 33 (6S) , pp. 3431-3443.
- Johnson, R. K., Puhlman, J. and Puhlman, D. J.. (2024). Shifting from a female-dominated profession: The perceptions and experiences of male students in communication sciences and disorders. Journal of Communication Disorders 112 , pp. 106474.
- Johnson, R. K.. and Gohsman, M. (2023). Predictors for AAC clinical service provision: Closing the gap. . American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
- Gohsman, M. K.. and Johnson, R. K. (2023). Reported Barriers to Augmentative and Alternative Communication Service Delivery and Learning Preferences Among Speech-Language Pathologists. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 32 (4) , pp. 1595-1609.
- Johnson, R. K., Matthews, J., Diawara, N. and Carroll, R. (2020). Statistical analysis of fNIRS Data: Consideration of spatial varying coefficient model of prefrontal cortex activity changes during speech motor learning in apraxia of speech. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 6 , pp. 1-16.
- Johnson, R. K., Michalek, A. and Richels, C. (2019). Creating Head Space: Using Spaced Retrieval Practice to Teach Cranial Nerves to Graduate SLP Students. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders 3 (2).
- Roitsch, J. E., Redman, R., Perrotti, A., Johnson, R. K. and Raymer, A. (2019). Quality Appraisal of Systematic Reviews for Behavioral Treatments of Attention Disorders in Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 34 (4) , pp. E42-E50.
- Puhlman, J. and Johnson, R. K. (2019). Survey of male college students’ perceptions and knowledge of speech-language pathology. Journal of Communication Disorders 82 , pp. 105936.
- Johnson, R. K. and Prebor, J. (2019). Update on Preservice Training in Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Speech-Language Pathologists. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 28 (2) , pp. 536-549.
- Raymer, A., Roitsch, J. E., Redman, R., Perrotti, A. and Johnson, R. K. (2018). Critical appraisal of systematic reviews of executive function treatments in TBI. Brain Injury 32 (13-14) , pp. 1601-1611.
- Johnson, R. K. (2018). Motor learning guided treatment for acquired apraxia of speech. Speech Language and Hearing 21 (4) , pp. 202-212.
- Johnson, R. K., Lasker, J. P.., Stierwalt, Julie A. G., MacPherson, M. K.. and LaPointe, L. L.. (2018). Motor learning guided treatment for acquired apraxia of speech: a case study investigating factors that influence treatment outcomes. Speech Language and Hearing 21 (4) , pp. 213-223.
- Johnson, R. K., Lott, A. and Prebor, J. (2018). A Comparison of Outcome Measures for Speech Motor Learning in Acquired Apraxia of Speech Using Motor Learning Guided Treatment. Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders 3 (1) , pp. 1-13.
- Hough, M. and Johnson, R. K. (2009). Use of AAC to enhance linguistic communication skills in an adult with chronic severe aphasia. Aphasiology 23 (7-8) , pp. 965-976.
- Johnson, R. K., Hough, M. S., King, K. A., Vos, P. and Jeffs, T. (2008). Functional communication in individuals with chronic severe aphasia using augmentative communication.. Augmentative and alternative communication (Baltimore, Md. : 1985) 24 (4) , pp. 269-80.
Book Chapters
- Johnson, R. K. (2018). General assessment principles. Aphasia and related neurogenic language disorders. (pp. 67-76.) New York, New York: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
- Johnson, R. K. and Prebor, J. (November , 2018). Motivation factors for speech motor learning in acquired apraxia of speech Poster American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention Boston, MA.
- Johnson, R. K. and Prebor, J. (November , 2018). Update on pre-service training in augmentative and alternative communication for speech-language pathologists Poster American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention Boston, MA.
- Johnson, R. K. and Prebor, J. (March , 2018). Lights, camera, putting the principles of motor learning into action Oral Presentation Speech Hearing Association of Virginia Conference Williamsburg, VA.
- Johnson, R. K. ( 2017). Motor learning guided treatment for acquired apraxia of speech Poster International Conference on Speech Pathology Clinical Practice Busan, South Korea.
- Johnson, R. K. and Raymer, A. (September , 2017). Principles of neuroplasticity and motor learning: Implications for neurorehabilitation Oral Presentation Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences Webinar .
- Raymer, A., Redman, R., Perrotti, A. and Johnson, R. K. ( 2016). Quality of systematic reviews for executive function and attention treatments for TBI Poster American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Chicago, IL.
- Johnson, R. K., Lott, A. and Kim, I. ( 2016). A study examining prefrontal cortex activity during speech tasks in adults with apraxia of speech. Poster American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention Philedelphia, PA.
- Johnson, R. K. and Lott, A. ( 2016). Motor learning guided treatment approach in acquired apraxia of speech Poster American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention Philedelphia, PA.
- Redman, R., Johnson, R. K., Perrotti, A. and Raymer, A. ( 2016). PRISMA criteria in reviews for executive function & attention treatments for TBI Poster American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention Philedelphia, PA.
- Johnson, R. K. ( 2016). Motor learning guided & sound production treatment: Comparison study training healthy adults novel meaningful speech Poster Motor Speech Conference Newport Beach, CA.
- Johnson, R. K. ( 2016). AAC intervention and compensatory strategies for progressive communication disorders Oral Presentation Speech Hearing Association of Virginia Conference .
- Humphrey, K. and Johnson, R. K. ( 2016). Motor learning guided & sound production treatment: Comparison study training healthy adults novel meaningful speech Poster Speech Hearing Association of Virginia Conference Chantilly, VA.
- Graham, C., Frederick, S. and Johnson, R. K. ( 2016). Motor learning guided approach and apraxia of speech: Case study Poster Speech Hearing Association of Virginia Conference Chantilly, VA.
- Redman, R., Perrotti, A., Johnson, R. K. and Raymer, A. ( 2016). Systematic reviews of executive function and attention treatments for TBI: Quality appraisal Poster Speech Hearing Association of Virginia Conference Chantilly, VA.
- Raymer, A., Redman, R., Perrotti, A. and Johnson, R. K. (August , 2016). Appraisal tools for quality of systematic reviews in speech pathology: Application in intervention for behavioral treatments for TBI. Poster International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics Dublin, Ireland.
- Johnson, R. K., Humphrey, K., Lowery, J. and Radar, K. ( 2015). Motor learning guided & sound production treatment: Comparison study training healthy adults novel meaningful speech Poster American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention Denver, CO.
- Johnson, R. K. ( 2015). Intervention and compensatory strategies for progressive communication disorders Oral Presentation Scotitish Rite Symposium Norfolk, VA.
- Johnson, R. K. and Raymer, A. ( 2015). Principles of neuroplasticity and motor learning: Implications for neurorehabilitation Oral Presentation Speech Hearing Association of Virginia Conference Richmond, VA.
- Johnson, R. K., Lasker, J., Stierwalt, J., MacPherson, M. and LaPointe, L. (November 22, 2014). Application of the principles of motor learning: Treatment dosage and linguistic influence on speech motor learning Poster American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention Orlando, Fl.
- Johnson, R. K., McClellan, E., Ortega, A., Stierwalt, J., Lasker, J., MacPherson, M. and LaPointe, L. (November 21, 2014). Comparison of Motor Learning Guided and Sound Production Treatment Approaches for Training Novel Speech in Healthy Adults Poster American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention Orlando, Fl.
- Johnson, R. K., Sherry, L., Stierwalt, J. and LaPointe, L. (November 21, 2014). Treatment for AOS: Incorporating the Principles of Motor Learning Poster American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention Orlando, Fl.
- 2020: #ReignOn Faculty Recognition Award, Student Engagement and Enrollment Services
- 2019: Award for Continuing Education, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- 2016: Meritorous Poster, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention
- 2014: Graduate Student Research and Creativity Award, Florida 91¶ÌÊÓƵ 91¶ÌÊÓƵ
- 2014: Outstanding Doctoral Student , Florida 91¶ÌÊÓƵ 91¶ÌÊÓƵ