Professor & Eminent Scholar
Department of Counseling & Human Services
Nina Brown
NORFOLK, 23529
Ed.D. in Counseling, College of William & Mary, (1973)
M.S. in Counseling, Old Dominion College, (1968)
B.S. in Psychology, Virginia 91¶ÌÊÓƵ College, (1957)
- Nationally Certified Counselor
- Sponsoring Organization: National Board of Certified Counselors
- Date Obtained: 1980-01-01
- Linensed Professional Counselor
- Sponsoring Organization: 91¶ÌÊÓƵ of Virginia
- Date Obtained: 1979-01-01
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Brown, N. W. "Career Education in the Content Area" $275. -
- Brown, N. W. "Guided Design" $100. -
- Brown, N. W. "Guided Design" $95. -
- Brown, N. W. "Validation of an Assertiveness Schedule" $265. -
- Dickerson, D. L., Verma, A. K., McKinney, S. E. and Brown, N. W. "MarIneTech: STEM preparation through marine engineering, science, and technology experiences" $1,273,308. Federal. January 01, 2009 - January 01, 2013
- Brown, N. W., Verma, A. K., McKinney, S. E. and Dickerson, D. L. "NSF marine Tech STEM PREP" $1,273,308. Federal. January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2011
- Horton Parker, R., Grothaus, T. J.P.. and Brown, N. W. "2009 Faculty Innovator Grant: Mental Disorders of Childhood: A Guide to Recognizing and Responding " $3,000. Old Dominion 91¶ÌÊÓƵ. -
- Brown, N. W. "Undergraduate researchers in engineering " $12,000. - 1998
- Brown, N. W. "Undergraduate researchers in engineering" $12,000. - 1997
- Brown, N. W. "Undergraduate researchers in engineering" $12,000. - 1996
- Brown, N. W. "Faculty Development Grant" $3,000. Old Dominion 91¶ÌÊÓƵ. - 1995
- Brown, N. W. "Undergraduate researchers in engineering" $12,000. - 1995
- Brown, N. W. "Undergraduate researchers in engineering" $24,000. - 1994
- Brown, N. W., Thompson and Cross "Promoting Readiness in Science and Mathematics for Students " $215,900. - 1993
- Brown, N. W. and Thompson "Targeted Resources United Services Training " $115,993. - 1993
- Brown, N. W. "Undergraduate researchers in engineering" $24,000. - 1993
- Brown, N. W. "Undergraduate researchers in engineering" $12,000. - 1993
- Brown, N. W. "Development of an engineering major scale and normative group data for underrepresented minority students on the Strong Interest Inventory" $14,770. - 1992
- Brown, N. W. "Undergraduate researchers in engineering" $24,000. - 1992
- Brown, N. W. "Development of a model to retain women in engineering" $24,500. - 1991
- Brown, N. W. "Expanding Horizons" $13,578. - 1991
- Brown, N. W. "Partners to increase minority access to engineering degree programs" $35,670. - 1991
- Brown, N. W. "Summer engineering academy" $21,340. - 1991
- Brown, N. W. and Cross "A summer program to improve achievement in math and science for African-American engineering students" $72,953. - 1990
- Brown, N. W. and McRee "Graduate engineering education for women and minorities" $56,780. - 1990
- Brown, N. W. and Cross "A program to improve minority retention in engineering" $72,593. - 1989
- Brown, N. W. "Predicting persistence and increasing retention of black students in engineering" $9,176. - 1989
- Brown, N. W. and Cross "Summer transition program for minorities in engineering" $77,201. - 1989
- Brown, N. W. "Assessment measures to determine individuals who are at risk of alcoholism" $14,813. - 1984
- Brown, N. W. "Development of a substance abuse education program for first offenders" $50,000. - 1984
- Brown, N. W. "Educational instruction services" $339,219. - 1984
- Brown, N. W. "Support services for learning assessment" $10,000. - 1984
- Brown, N. W. "Training grants" $6,750. - 1984
- Brown, N. W. "Use of technology in a field-based graduate program" $170,000. - 1984
- Brown, N. W. "Prevention of teenage alcohol abuse" $10,000. - 1983
- Brown, N. W. "Guided Design" $100. - 1982
- Brown, N. W. "Implementation of guided design" $6,200. - 1982
- Brown, N. W. "Research and development seminars" $1,100. - 1982
- Brown, N. W. "Preparation and dissemination of materials for integrating career education into the classroom" $37,600. - 1981
- Brown, N. W. "Guided Design" $96. - 1980
- Brown, N. W. "Career Education in the Content Area" $275. - 1979
- Brown, N. W. "Validation of an Assertiveness Schedule" $265. - 1979
- Brown, N. W. (2017). The deviant group member. Group: Journal of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society 41 (2) , pp. 135-146.
- Hines, C., Brown, N. W. and Myran, S. (2016). The effects of Expressive Writing on general and mathematics anxiety for a sample of high school students. The Journal of Creativity in Mental Health.
- Brown, N. W. (2010). Self-absorbed adults: The Destructive Narcissistic Pattern. Charaktery (Polish).
- Hines, C., Coles, C. and Brown, N. W. (2010). Peer sexual harassment in schools. Journal for Effective Schools 8 (2) , pp. 1 - 13.
- Brown, N. W. (2010). Microaggressions can produce narcissistic injury. Paradigm 15 (3) , pp. 4 - 5.
- Brown, N. W. (2010). Peer Sexual Harassment in Schools. Journal for Effective Schools 8 (2).
- Brown, N. W. (2008). Troubling silences in therapy groups. Journal of contemporary Psychotherapy 38 (2) , pp. 81 - 85.
- Brown, N. W. (2007). Use of fairy tales in group therapy. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health 2 (4) , pp. 89 - 96.
- Brown, N. W. (2006). Get control of your life: Take care of your feelings. Balance.
- Brown, N. W. (2006). Reconceptualizing difficult groups and difficult members. Journal of contemporary Psychotherapy 36 (3) , pp. 145 - 150.
- Brown, N. W. (2003). Conceptualizing process. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy 53 (2) , pp. 225-244.
- Brown, N. W. (1997). Description of personality similarities and differences of a sample of black and white female engineering students. Psychological Reports.
- Brown, N. W. (1997). Assessing engineering and technology student learning through use of student portfolio review. Assessment Update 9 (3).
- Brown, N. W. (1997). Coping resources and family environment. College Student Journal.
- Brown, N. W. and Cross Jr, E. J. (1996). Descriptions of self and engineers by male engineering students. Psychological Reports 78 , pp. 179-186.
- Brown, N. W. (1996). The destructive narcissistic pattern in the workplace. Social Behavior and Personality 24 (3).
- Brown, N. W. and Joslin (1995). Comparison of female and male engineering students. Psychological Reports 77 , pp. 35-41.
- Brown, N. W. (1994). Cognitive, interest, and personality variables predicting first semester GPA. Psychological Reports 74 , pp. 605-606.
- Brown, N. W. (1994). Forming and maintaining classroom groups that enhance learning for women students. Conference Proceedings for Women in Engineering , pp. 221-225.
- Brown, N. W. (1993). Prediction of final grades in an accelerated chemistry course for engineering students. College Student Journal 20 (1) , pp. 20-24.
- Brown, N. W. and Cross (1993). Retention in engineering and personality. Educational and Psychological Measurement 53 (3).
- Brown, N. W. and Cross (1992). A comparison of personality characteristics for entering freshmen, persistors and norm groups in engineering. Educational and Psychological Measurement 52 , pp. 939-994.
- Brown, N. W. and Cross (1991). Capitalizing on personality differences of black and white engineering students. Journal of Instructional Psychology 18 (1) , pp. 43-50.
- Brown, N. W. and Cook (1990). Most effective and least effective boards of non-profit human service agencies. Group and Organizational Studies 15 (4) , pp. 432-448.
- Brown, N. W., Cross and Selby (1990). Personality of students persisting in engineering - comparisons and implications for instruction. ASEE Conference Proceedings, Session 1253.
- Brown, N. W., Cromwell, Sanchez-Huceles and Adair (1990). The imposter phenomenon and personality characteristics of high school honor students. 5 (6) , pp. 563-573.
- Brown, N. W., Cross and Selby (1990). Personality Characteristics of Black Engineering Students on the Adjective Checklist . College Student Journal.
- Brown, N. W. (1989). Comparison of described empathic and nominated empathic individuals. Psychological Reports 64 , pp. 27-32.
- Brown, N. W., Rawls and Collier (1989). Use of the western personality test in the identification of potential alcohol abusers. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 6 (3/4) , pp. 189-198.
- Brown, N. W., Thompson, Geoffrey and Adair (1987). Discrepancies in the perception of counselor roles in secondary schools. Capstone Journal of Education VII (4) , pp. 35-44.
- Brown, N. W. (1987). Empathy scores of nurses, psychiatrists and hospital administrators on the California Psychological Inventory. Psychological Reports 60 , pp. 295-300.
- Brown, N. W. (1986). Empathy and accuracy of interpersonal perceptions of affect. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 1 (4) , pp. 639-643.
- Brown, N. W. (1985). Assessment measures that discriminate between levels of DUI clients. Psychological Reports 56 , pp. 739-742.
- Brown, N. W. (1984). Comparison of described empathic and nominated empathic individuals. Psychological Reports 64 , pp. 27-32.
- Brown, N. W. and Lawson (1980). Values of parochial and public school students. Psychological Reports 47 , pp. 279-282.
- Brown, N. W. and Harris (1979). Congruent validity of the Rathus assertiveness schedule. Educational and Psychological Measurement 20 (39) , pp. 181-185.
- Brown, N. W. and Harris (1979). Making sense of our lives - An intensive log workshop. Journal of College Student Personnel 20 (4) , pp. 358-359.
- Brown, N. W. (1979). Validation of the interpersonal relationship rating scale. Organization Studies 4 (2) , pp. 220-228.
- Brown, N. W. (1978). Program planning for culturally different minority adolescents. Resources in Education.
- Brown, N. W. (1977). Interpersonal skill development for special education practicum students. Exceptional Child Resources.
- Brown, N. W. (1977). Interpersonal skill development . ERIC – Resources in Education.
- Brown, N. W. (1977). Personality characteristics of black adolescents . Adolescence.
- Brown, N. W. (1976). Non-Cognitive characteristics in the prediction of reading readiness. Educational and Psychological Measurement 36 (2).
- Brown, N. W. (1976). Personality characteristics of black adolescents . ERIC – Urban Education and Resources in Education.
- Brown, N. W. (1974). Altering the reality self-concept of selected inner city seventh grade girls. Adolescence VIII (32) , pp. 463-474.
- Brown, N. W. (1974). An investigation of the personality characteristics of blacks attending a predominantly white university and blacks attending a predominantly black college . Proceedings of Division 8 -American Psychological Association.
- Brown, N. W. (1973). An investigation of the personality characteristics of blacks attending a predominantly white university and blacks attending a predominantly black college . Personnel and Social Psychology B1 , pp. 321-323.
- Brown, N. W. (1973). Teaching people to be parents - Why Not?. Journal of Character Education , pp. 12-13.
- Brown, N. W. (1968). Guided imagery for counselors. Virginia Counselors Journal , pp. 5-10.
- Brown, N. W. (2013). Facilitating Challenging Groups: Leaderless, open and single session groups. Taylor & Francis - Routledge.
- Brown, N. W. (2013). Creative activities for group therapy. Taylor and Francis/Routledge.
- Brown, N. W. (2011). Psychoeducational Groups. Routledge.
- Brown, N. W. (2010). Uptight and In Your Face. Praeger.
- Brown, N. W. (2010). Kinder egozentrischer Eltern. Junfermann Druck & Service, Paderborn.
- Brown, N. W. (2009). Becoming a group leader. Pearson Education.
- Brown, N. W. (2008). Dead End Lovers. Praeger.
- Brown, N. W. (2008). Children of the self-absorbed - 2nd edition. New Harbinger Publishers.
- Brown, N. W. (2006). Children of the self-absorbed. New Harbinger (Translated into Korean).
- Brown, N. W. (2006). Coping with infuriating, mean, critical people. Praeger.
- Brown, N. W. (2006). Coping with your partner's jealousy. New Harbinger (Translated into Polish).
- Brown, N. W. (2006). Psychoeducational groups for non-clinical groups curriculum. The Certified Group Psychotherapy Registry.
- Brown, N. W. (2004). Coping with your partner’s jealousy . New Harbinger .
- Brown, N. W. (2004). Psychoeducational groups (2nd ed.). Brunner-Routledge.
- Brown, N. W. (2003). Loving the self-absorbed . New Harbinger.
- Horton Parker, R. and Brown, N. W. (2003). The unfolding life . Praeger.
- Brown, N. W. (2002). Whose life is it anyway?. New Harbinger Publishers.
- Brown, N. W. (2002). Working with the self-absorbed . New Harbinger.
- Schwitzer, A., Ancis, J. and Brown, N. W. (2001). Promoting student learning and student development at a distance: Student affairs principles and practices for televised instruction and other forms of distance learning. American College Personnel Association.
- Brown, N. W. (2000). Creating high performance classroom groups . Falmer Press.
- Brown, N. W. and Wexel (2000). Student generated sexual harassment in secondary schools . Bergin & Garvy.
- Brown, N. W. (1998). Psychoeducational groups . Acclerated Development.
- Brown, N. W. (1998). The destructive narcissistic pattern . Praeger.
- Brown, N. W. (1996). Expressive processes for group counsleing. Praeger.
- Brown, N. W. (1994). Group counseling for elementary and middle school students. Praeger.
- Brown, N. W. (1992). Teaching group dynamics. Praeger.
- Brown, N. W. (1986). Interpersonal relations. Ginn Press.
Book Chapters
- Brown, N. W. Leadership challenges: Is there an afterlife? Complex Dilemmas in Group Therapy New York, NY: Routledge.
- Brown, N. W. (2010). Group leadership teaching and training: Methods and issues Oxford Handbook of Group Counseling New York, New York: Oxford 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Press.
- Brown, N. W. (2009). Group Dynamics Encyclopedia of Counseling Arlington, VA: American Counseling Association.
- Brown, N. W. (2005). Support and therapy related psychoeducational groups (pp. 511 - 130) Sage Publishers.
- Brown, N. W. (2003). Adults from Dysfunctional Families.
- Brown, N. W. . (August 03, 2012). Meet the experts in group psychology and group psychotherapy Other Orlando, FL.
- Brown, N. W. . (August 03, 2012). Ring of fire: Potential Toxiciety in groups Keynote/Plenary Address Orlando, FL.
- Brown, N. W.. (July , 2012). Career Education Other Marine Tech Three locations in VA.
- Brown, N. W.. (April 14, 2012). Countertransference and process illumination in group psychotherapy Other Durham, NC.
- Brown, N. W.. (March , 2012). Career education Other Marine Tech Three locations in VA.
- Brown, N. W. . (March 10, 2012). Indicators of potential toxicity in Training groups: A case study Paper New York, NY.
- Brown, N. W. . (November , 2011). Career education Other Marine Tech Three locations in VA on the same date.
- Brown, N. W., Parks, C., Verma, A. K., McKinney, S. E. and Dickerson, D. L. (August 6, 2011). Successful Group projects: Descriptions of multidisciplinary group research American Psychological Association annual Convention Washington, DC.
- Brown, N. W. (August 5, 2011). Future Initiatives American Psychological Association Annual convention Washington, DC.
- Hall, S. and Brown, N. W. (August 5, 2011). Indicators of potential for harm in training groups: A pilot study APA Annual Convention Washington, DC.
- Brown, N. W. (March 30, 2011). Group Leadership Strategies Italian Counselors Conference Norfolk, VA.
- Brown, N. W. (February 2, 2011). Facilitating inpatient psychoeducational groups Grand Rounds - St. Elizabeth's Hospital Washington, DC.
- Brown, N. W. and Quinlan, N. (November , 2010). Group Co-leadership Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society's conference .
- Brown, N. W. (August 15, 2010). Creative use of fairy tales in group therapy American Psychological Association San Diego, CA.
- Brown, N. W. (February 26, 2010). Micro-aggressions in group therapy American Group Psychotherapy Association San Diego, CA.
- Brown, N. W. (November 6, 2009). Small group leader Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society Shepherdstown, WVA.
- Brown, N. W., Gross, J., Riva, M. and Johnson, C. (August , 2009). Preparing for the internship year-what you need to know about group psychology APA Toronto, Canada.
- Brown, N. W. (August , 2009). Tapping the unconscious: Fairy tales for adults in group therapy APA Toronto, Canada.
- Brown, N. W. (March , 2009). Examining the role of diversity in group work ACA Charlotte, NC.
- Brown, N. W. (February , 2009). Training trainers of psychoeducational groups AGPA Chicago, IL.
- Brown, N. W. (February , 2008). Psychoeducational groups curriculum AGPA Washington, DC.
- Brown, N. W. (April , 2007). It is about you: The group leader’s narcissism Spring conference , MAGPS .
- Brown, N. W. (February , 2007). Psychoeducational Groups AGPA Boston, MA.
- Brown, N. W. (February , 2006). Psychoeducational groups for non-clinicians SanFrancisco CA .
- Brown, N. W. and Millikan ( 2005). Infusing theory in psychoeducational and counseling groups .
- Brown, N. W. (April , 2005). Brief and psychoeducational groups: The 5th Module for the AGPA Core Curriculum MAGPS .
- Dice, T. and Brown, N. W. (April , 2005). Developing theory based psychoeducational groups for school counseling: Combining creativity and accountablity Virginia School Counselors Association annual convention Portsmouth, VA.
- Brown, N. W., Burlingame and Matsuno (February , 2005). Group treatment for the severely and persistently mentally ill: A best practice model for psychoeducational groups AGPA New York.
- Brown, N. W. ( 2004). Brief and psychoeducational groups: The 5th Module for the AGPA Core Curriculum .
- Brown, N. W. ( 2002). Fostering hope and altruism in group .
- Brown, N. W. (June , 1999). Electronically linked groups International Conference .
- Brown, N. W. (June , 1998). Achieving tenure Seattle.
- Brown, N. W. and Ruiz (February , 1998). Ethnic and cultural bias in group psychotherapy .
- Brown, N. W., Cross and Smith (November , 1997). Assessment Conference Indiana 91¶ÌÊÓƵ-Perdue 91¶ÌÊÓƵ.
- Brown, N. W. (November , 1997). Increasing Access for Women in Engineering, Science and Technology Purdue 91¶ÌÊÓƵ.
- Brown, N. W. (November , 1997). Use of Student Portfolios Virginia Assessment Conference .
- Brown, N. W. (October , 1997). Increasing Access for Women in Engineering, Science and Technology Stevens Institute of Technology.
- Brown, N. W., Cross and Smith (June , 1997). Use of Senior Design Projects as Student Portfolios .
- Brown, N. W. ( 1996). Teaching Group via Television .
- Brown, N. W. (October , 1996). Stress: A recipe for reduction .
- Brown, N. W. (April , 1996). The Destructive Narcissistic Pattern .
- Brown, N. W. (June , 1994). Forming and Maintaining Classroom Groups Women in Engineering Conference .
- Brown, N. W. (February , 1993). Use of Fairy Tales in Therapy International Convention .
- Brown, N. W. ( 1991). Expressive Techniques Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society's Conference .
- Brown, N. W. (May , 1991). Group Counseling .
- Brown, N. W. (January , 1991). A Process to Develop 91¶ÌÊÓƵ-Specific Plans for Recruiting and Retaining Underrepresented Minorities in Engineering New Orleans.
- Brown, N. W. (June , 1990). Personality of Students Persisting in Engineering - Comparisons and Implications for Instruction Toronto, Canada.
- Brown, N. W. ( 1988). Increased Learning Through Use of Relaxation, Guided Imagery and Music (Videotape presentation) ISETA Convention Fort Collins, Colorado .
- Brown, N. W. ( 1985). Counseling Strategies for Minority Youths .
- Brown, N. W. (November , 1985). Resolving Impasse in Group Counseling .
- Brown, N. W. ( 1984). ASAP Educational Program .
- Brown, N. W. ( 1984). Stress Management for Children Secondary Principals' 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Conference .
- Brown, N. W. ( 1984). Substance Abuse Project Insight .
- Brown, N. W. (November , 1984). Time Management for Counselors Virginia Counselors Association Convention .
- Brown, N. W. (April , 1984). Family Counseling Secondary school conference .
- Brown, N. W. ( 1982). Expressive Counseling Techniques Elementary Counselor Conference .
- Brown, N. W. (November , 1980). Imagination and Dreams .
- Brown, N. W. (November , 1980). Crisis Management VPGA Convention .
- Brown, N. W. (November , 1980). The Silent Language of the Black Culture VPGA Convention .
- Brown, N. W. (March , 1980). Self-disclosure Through Life Seals, Guided Imagery and Manalas 6th National Conference on the Teaching of Group Psychotherapy .
- Brown, N. W. (March , 1980). The Silent Language of the Black Culture .
- Brown, N. W. (February , 1980). Imagination and Dreams VPGA Convention .
- Brown, N. W. (August , 1979). Values of Parochial and Public School Children National Covention .
- Brown, N. W. (June , 1979). Social Drinking and the Military Lifestyle Conference on Women and Alcohol .
- Brown, N. W., Coch, Berent, Cohen, Fedler and Gazda ( 1978). The Teaching of Ethics in the Training of Group Psychotherapists 5th National Conference About the Teaching of Group Psychotherapy .
- Brown, N. W. ( 1978). Career Counseling for Minority Students Career Counseling Workshop Hampton 91¶ÌÊÓƵ.
- Brown, N. W. ( 1978). Innovations in Using the Intensive Log in Counselor Training .
- Brown, N. W. and Stallard ( 1978). Personality Attributes and Response Category of English Teachers on Compositions .
- Brown, N. W. ( 1978). Values of Parochial and Public School Children - Alike or Different Psychological Corporation's Invitational Conference on Educational Measurement .
- Brown, N. W. (November , 1978). Minimum Competency Testing Urban Education Conference .
- Brown, N. W. (August , 1978). Career Counseling for Minority Students Career Counseling Workshop College of William and Mary.
- Brown, N. W. (August , 1978). Career Counseling for Special Students Career Counseling Workshop Radford 91¶ÌÊÓƵ .
- Brown, N. W. (July , 1978). Program Planning for Culturally Different Minority Students International Congress on Education .
- Brown, N. W. (April , 1978). Use and Misuse of Standardized Tests Elementary School Principals' Conference .
- Brown, N. W. (April , 1978). Implications of Noncompulsory Attendance, Alternative Education and Minimum Competencies .
- Brown, N. W. and Rubin (February , 1978). Sex Composition, Outcome and Process in Adolescent Groups: Implications for Counselor Supervision 4th National Conference About the Teaching of Group Psychotherapy .
- Brown, N. W. and Latham ( 1977). Assertiveness for Women in Management .
- Brown, N. W. (April , 1977). Development of Interpersonal Skills for Special Educators International Convention of the Council for Exceptional Children .
- Brown, N. W. ( 1976). An Educational Problem-solving Process Integrated into an English Curriculum in a Rural Area .
- Brown, N. W. ( 1976). Interpersonal Skill Development for Special Education Practicum Students South Atlantic Regional Counselor Educators and Supervisors Conference .
- Brown, N. W. (March , 1976). Improving Communication Skills of Special Education Teachers .
- Brown, N. W. (February , 1976). Personality Characteristics of Poor, Black Adolescents and Program Planning Urban Affairs Conference .
- Brown, N. W. (April , 1975). Non-verbal Communication of L.D. Children .
- Brown, N. W. (March , 1975). Use of the Lowenfeld Mosaic Test for Predicting Reading Readiness .
- Brown, N. W. (August , 1974). A Factor Analytic Study of Personality Between Black Students Attending a Predominantly White 91¶ÌÊÓƵ and Black Students Attending a Predominantly Black College .
- Brown, N. W. (April , 1974). Parents of Learning Disabled Children International Convention of the Council for Exceptional Children .
- Brown, N. W. (December , 1973). Measuring the Attitudes of Inner City Children Southeastern Invitational Conference on Measurement and Evaluation .
- Fellow, American Group Psychotherapy Association
- 2013: Past President's Award, The Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy ( APA Div. 49)
- 2011: Board Recognition, The Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy
- 2010: APA Division 49 Presidential Award, Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy
- 2010: Presidential Award, APA Division 49 - Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy
- 2008: Distinguished Service, American Group Psychotherapy Association
- 2008: Distinguished Service, American Group Psychotherapy Association
- 2006: Designated as Fellow , American Group Psychotherapy Association
- 2003: Nominee for the faculty SHEV award , Old Dominion 91¶ÌÊÓƵ
- 1998: Marriage and Family Therapists and Substance Abuse Providers Service Award, Virginia Board of Licensed Professional Counselors
- 1997: 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Tonelson Award , Old Dominion 91¶ÌÊÓƵ
- 1995: American Group Psychotherapy Faculty , American Group Psychotherapy
- 1994: Faculty Scholar Award , College of Education
- 1994: FMES Faculty Award, FMES
- 1993: Instructor Designate , American Group Psychotherapy Association
- 1992: Faculty Scholar Award , College of Education
- 1988: ACA Software Review Board Award , ACA
- 1988: Certificate of Appreciation, Tidewater Council on Alcoholism
- 1986: Virginia Educational Research Association,
- 1979: Virginia Educational Research Association,
- 1977: Tidewater Alliance of Black Educators Award,