Manuela Mourao
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, (1990)
M.A. in English, Eastern Illinois 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, (1985)
Other in , 91¶ÌÊÓƵ of Porto, (1984)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Mourao, M. "Robin L. Hixon Fellowship. Old Dominion 91¶ÌÊÓƵ. 2010 - 2011
Research Interests
Nineteenth-Century British LiteratureCritical TheoryCultural Studies
- Mourao, M. (2016). 'The Finest Production of the Finest Country on Earth': Gender and Nationality in the Writings of Nineteenth-Century British Women Travelers to Portugal. European Romantic Review 27 (6) , pp. 769-789.
- McManus, J. (2015). Robert Southey on Portugal: Travel Narrative and the Writing of History. Nineteenth-Century Contexts 32 (1) , pp. 43-60.
- Mourao, M. (2012). `Remembrance of Things Past’: Literary Annuals’ Self-Historicization. Victorian Poetry 50 (1) , pp. 107-123.
- Mourao, M. (2011). Whitewash: Nationhood, Empire, and the Formation of Portuguese Racial Identity. Journal of Early-Modern Cultural Studies 11 (1).
- Mourao, M. (2009). Early-Modern Portuguese Maps: Metaphors of Space, Spaces of Metaphor. Art and Cartography/Springer , pp. William Wright.
- Mourao, M. (2001). The Compromise of Enlightened Rationalism in Diderot's La Religieuse. Romance Quarterly 48 (4) , pp. pp. 223-238.
- Mourao, M. (2001). Negotiating Victorian Feminism: Anne Thackeray Ritchie's Short Fiction. Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 20 (1) , pp. pp. 57-75.
- Mourao, M. (2000). Interrogating the Female Bildungsroman: Anne Thackeray Ritchie's Marriage Fictions. Nineteenth-Century Feminisms (3) , pp. pp. 73-87.
- Mourao, M. (1999). The Representation of Female Desire in Early Modern Pornographic Texts: 1660-1745. Signs: a Journal of Women and Culture 24 (3) , pp. pp. 573-602.
- Mourao, M. (1997). Delicate Balances: Gender and Power in Anne Thackeray Ritchie's Nonfiction. Women's Writing 4 (1) , pp. 73-89.
- Mourao, M. (1992). Les Lettres Portugaises: Passion, Writing and Transgression. Anais UTAD 4 (1).
- Mourao, M. (1991). The Abbess of Crewe: Surveillance, Deception, and the Convent. Actas do XII Encontro da APEAA.
- Mourao, M. (1991). Nuns in British Fiction: Study of a Stereotype. Revista da Associacão Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos 1 (1).
- Mourao, M. and Jacobs, E. (2011). The Newgate Novel. In Blackwell Companion to Sensation Fiction.
- Jacobs, E. and Mourao, M. (2007). Jack Sheppard, by William Harrison Ainsworth. Edited, with a critical introduction and explanatory notes, by Edward Jacobs and Manuela Mourão. Broadview Press.
- Mourao, M. (2002). Altered Habits: Reconsidering the Nun in Fiction. UP of Florida.
Book Chapters
- Mourao, M. (2003). Comparative Literature in the United 91¶ÌÊÓƵs (pp. 131-141) Comparative Literature and Comparative Cultural Studies/ Purdue UP.
- Mourao, M. (1999). Comparative Literature Past and Present. In Comparative Literature Today: Theories and Practice/ La Littérature comparée d'aujourd'hui. Théories et réalisations. (pp. 165-172) Paris: Honoré Champion.
- Mourao, M. (1995). Intertextuality and Feminist Intervention in New Portuguese Letters. In New Readings of Spiritual Narrative from the Fifteenth to the Twentieth Century: Secular Force and Self-Disclosure. (pp. 93-121) Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press.
- Mourao, M. (August 12, 2017). 'The Most Glorious War Recorded in the British Annals': The Lake Poets on the Spanish Cause Paper 46th Wordsworth Summer Conference Rydal Hall, Grasmere, United Kingdom.
- Mourao, M. (November 19, 2016). Plain Janes and the Rebellious Catherines: Female Identity and the Brontes' Legacy Paper Betty M. and William B. Jones Humanities Speaker Series Norfolk, VA.
- Mourao, M. (October 23, 2014). 'The Necessity of Whiteness': Revisiting Portuguese Racial Identity in a Postcolonial Context Paper 9th International Conference on the American Portuguese Studies Association Albuquerque, NM.
- Mourao, M. (November 3, 2011). Performing the Self on the International Stage: Gender and Nationality in the Writings of Nineteenth-Century British Women Travelers to Portugal Paper NAVSA: North America Victorian Studies Association Conference Nashville, TN.
- Mourao, M. (October 24, 2011). 'The Finest Production of the Finest Country Upon Earth': Gender and Nationality in the Writings of Nineteenth-Century British Travelers to Portugal Paper Postcolonial Research Group Norfolk, VA.
- Mourao, M. (July 14, 2011). 'Picture Books or Grown Children': Image and Text in Literary Annuals Paper SHARP: Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing Conference Washington, D.C..
- Mourao, M. (March 15, 2011). Mapping Race: the Personal is/as Historical Paper Department of English Literature Faculty Forum Norfolk, VA.
- Mourao, M. (September , 2007). Remembrance of Things Past: Literary Annuals’Self-Historicization Research Society for Victorian Periodicals Richmond, VA.
- Mourao, M. (September , 2006). Remembrance of Things Past: Literary Annuals’Self-Historicization North American Victorian Studies Association West-Lafayette, IN.
- Mourao, M. and Jacobs, E. (April , 2005). Ainsworth’s Jack Sheppard: Playing in the Streets Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference .
- Mourao, M. and Jacobs, E. (November , 2004). Consuming Jack Sheppard Group for Early-Modern Cultural Studies Orlando, FL.
- Mourao, M. (June , 2004). Romanticism, Historicism, and the Case for Literary Annuals Romanticism, History, Historicism Conference .
- Mourao, M. (November 14, 2002). Anne Thackeray Ritchie and the Periodical Press: the Case of the Cornhill Magazine ODU Literature Faculty Forum .
- Mourao, M. (July 30, 2002). Anne Thackeray Ritchie and/in the Periodical Press Places of Exchange: Magazines, Journals, and Newspapers in British and Irish Culture 1688-1945 .
- Mourao, M. (November , 2001). As If There Were No More Secret Bower’: the Liminal Space of the Convent in the Early-Modern Era Group for Early-Modern Cultural Studies Conference and ODU Humanities Symposium Philadelphia; Norfolk.
- Mourao, M. (November 19, 2000). Evil Abbesses and Naïve Victims: the Perverse Aesthetic of the Nun in the Romantic Period Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies Conference New Orleans.
- Mourao, M. (October , 1999). A Difficult Art to Learn': Women and Sex in the Early Modern Era Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies Conference Miami, FL.
- Mourao, M. (July 31, 1999). Representing Female Desire: The Case of Chorier's Dialogues 10th International Congress on the Enlightenment Dublin.
- Mourao, M. (March 29, 1997). The Construction of Gender in Anne Thackeray Ritchie's Critical Discourse The 6th Annual Conference on 18th- and 19th-Century British Women Writers Davis, Ca.
- Mourao, M. (November 10, 1996). The Compromise of Enlightened Rationalism In Diderot's La Réligieuse SAMLA Conference Savannah, GA.
- Mourao, M. (December 30, 1995). Delicate Balances: Gender and Power in Anne Thackeray Ritchie's Nonfiction MLA Conference Chicago, IL.
- Mourao, M. (October 8, 1995). The Convent as Site of Resistance in the Early-Modern Era Group for Early-Modern Cultural Studies Conference Dallas, TX.
- Mourao, M. (April 4, 1995). Anne Thackeray's Feminist Essays: Literary and Social English Department Faculty Symposium Norfolk, VA.
- Mourao, M. (December 30, 1994). Negotiating Radicalism: the Rhetorical Function of George Sand's Prefaces MLA Conference San Diego, CA.
- Mourao, M. (November 13, 1994). Writing For Revolution: The Three Marias' Postmodern Discourse in Fascist Portugal SAMLA Conference Baltimore, MA.
- Mourao, M. (October 1, 1994). Remapping the Discipline, Renewing the Field: What Future for Comparatists? Plenary address at the Twentieth Anniversary Meeting of the Southern Comparative Literature Association Raleigh, NC.
- Mourao, M. (August , 1994). Postmodernism and Cross-Cultural Relations: Toward a Comparative Approach XIV Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association Edmonton, Canada.
- Mourao, M. (May , 1994). Authorial Ambivalence in Anne Thackeray's Nonfiction 5th Annual Conference on Feminist Scholarship in Hampton Roads Norfolk, VA.
- Mourao, M. (March , 1993). The Forms of Pornography and Social Criticism: a Cross-Cultural Reading Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Birmingham, AL.
- Mourao, M. (October , 1992). The Politics of Representation: Feminist Issues from Literary Perspectives Women's Studies Faculty Symposia Norfolk, VA.
- Mourao, M. (October , 1992). Pornography: The Stalled Debate Women's Studies Lecture Series Norfolk, VA.
- Mourao, M. (April , 1991). The Abbess of Crewe: Surveillance, Deception and the Convent XII Encontro da Associacao Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos Braga, Portugal.
- Mourao, M. (March , 1991). Les Lettres Portugaises: Passion, Writing and Transgression Forum de Teoria da Literatura Vila Real, Portugal.
- Mourao, M. (October 13, 1989). Theme Studies in Historical Contexts: `Don Juan' from Tirso de Molina to Byron Representing Culture: Text, Society, and Discourse IA.
- Mourao, M. (May 5, 1989). The Erotics of Fascism: A Reading of Michel Tournier's Le roi des aulnes Ninth Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures Cincinnati, OH.