Associate Professor & J. Robert Stiffler Distinguished Professor in Botany
Biological Sciences
Lisa Wallace
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Evolution, Ecology & Organismal Biology, Ohio 91短视频 91短视频, (2002)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Wallace, L. "Are plant-bacterial symbioses more diverse in a biodiversity hotspot?" $22,792. Private. -
- Wallace, L. "Characterizing the geography and diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria through analysis of key genes involved in host communication and nitrogen fixation " $25,000. Private. -
Research Interests
Plant evolution and biodiversity, native orchids
- Bily, D. S., Diehl, S. V., Cook, M., Wallace, L., Sims, L. L., Watson, C. and Baird, R. E. (2018). Temporal and locational variations of a Phytophthora spp. community in a forested urban water drainage and stream runoff systems. Southeastern Naturalist.
- McGlaughlin, M. E., Riley, L., Helenurm, K. and Wallace, L. Do channel Island Acmispon (Fabaceae) form cohesive evolutionary groups?. Western North American Naturalist.
- Wallace, L., Wheeler, G. L.., McGlaughlin, M. E.., Bresowar, G. and Helenurm, K. (2017). Phylogeography and genetic structure of endemic Acmispon argophyllus and Acmispon dendroideus (Fabaceae) across the California Channel Islands. American Journal of Botany 104 (5) , pp. 743-756.
- Challagundla, L. and Wallace, L. (2016). A re-evaluation of the taxonomic status of Haplopappus ravenii using morphological and genetic data. Madrono 63 (3) , pp. 220-233.
- Nelson, G., Sweeney, P., Wallace, L., Rabeler, R. K.., Allarrd, D., Brown, H., Carter, J. Richard., Denslow, M. W.., Ellwood, E. R.., Germain-Aubrey, C. C.., Gilbert, E., Gillespie, E., Goertzen, L. R.., Legler, B., Marchant, D. Blaine., Marsico, T. D.., Morris, A. B.., Murrell, Z., Nazaire, M., Neefus, C., Oberreiter, S., Paul, D., Ruhfel, B. R.., Sasek, T., Shaw, J., Soltis, P. S.., Watson, K., Weeks, A. and Mast, A. R.. (2015). Digitization workflows for flat sheets and packets of plants, algae, and fungi. Applications in Plant Sciences 3 (9) , pp. 1500065.
- Wheeler, G. L.., Dorman, H. E.., Buchanan, A., Challagundla, L. and Wallace, L. (2014). A review of the prevalence, utility, and caveats of using chloroplast simple sequence repeats for studies of plant biology. Applications in Plant Sciences 2 (12) , pp. 1400059.
- Mcglaughlin, M. E.., Wallace, L., Wheeler, G. L.., Bresowar, G., Riley, L., Britten, N. R.. and Helenurm, K. (2014). Do the island biogeography predictions of MacArthur and Wilson hold when examining genetic diversity on the near mainland California Channel Islands? Examples from endemic Acmispon (Fabaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 174 (3) , pp. 289-304.
- Adhikari, B. and Wallace, L. (2014). Does the Platanthera dilatata (Orchidaceae) complex contain cryptic species or continuously variable populations?. Plant Systematics and Evolution 300 (6) , pp. 1465-1476.
- Lucardi, R. D.., Wallace, L. and Ervin, G. N.. (2014). Evaluating hybridization as a potential facilitator of successful cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) invasion in Florida, USA. Biological Invasions 16 (10) , pp. 2147-2161.
- Colosimo, G., Knapp, C. R.., Wallace, L. and Welch, M. E.. (2014). Inferred vs realized patterns of gene flow: an analysis of population structure in the Andros Island Rock Iguana. PLoS ONE 9 (9).
- Lucardi, R. D.., Wallace, L. and Ervin, G. N.. (2014). Invasion success in Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica): a population genetic approach exploring genetic diversity and historical introductions. Invasive Plant Science and Management 7 (1) , pp. 59-75.
- Dorman, H. E.., McGlaughlin, M. E.. and Wallace, L. (2014). Widespread variation in NSP1, a gene involved in rhizobium nodulation, across species of Acmispon (Fabaceae) from diverse habitats. Botany 92 (8) , pp. 571-578.
- Wallace, L. and Doffitt, C. H.. (2013). Genetic structure of the mesic forest-adapted herbs Trillium cuneatum and Trillium stamineum (Melanthiaceae) in the south-central United 91短视频s. Castanea 78 (2) , pp. 154-162.
- Talve, T., McGlaughlin, M. E., Helenurm, K., Wallace, L. and Oja, T. (2013). Population genetic diversity and species relationships in the genus Rhinanthus L. based on microsatellite markers. Plant Biology.
- Baird, R., Wallace, L., Baker, G. and Scruggs, M. (2013). Stipitate hydnoid fungi of the temperate southeastern United 91短视频s. Fungal Diversity 62 (1) , pp. 41-114.
- Baird, R. E.., Wallace, L. and Baker, G. (2013). Stipitate hydnums of the southern United 91短视频s 1: Phellodon mississippiensis sp nov. Mycotaxon 123 , pp. 183-191.
- Wheeler, G. L.., McGlaughlin, M. E.. and Wallace, L. (2012). Variable length chloroplast markers for population genetic studies in Acmispon (Fabaceae). American Journal of Botany 99 (10) , pp. E408-E410.
- Wallace, L., Culley, T. M.., Weller, S. G.., Sakai, A. K.., Kuenzi, A., Roy, T., Wagner, W. L.. and Nepokroeff, M. (2011). Asymmetrical gene flow in a hybrid zone of Hawaiian Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae) species with contrasting mating systems. PLoS ONE 6 (9).
- Kiesow, A. M., Wallace, L. and Britten, H. B. (2011). Characterization and isolation of five microsatellite loci in northern flying squirrels, Glaucomys sabrinus (Sciuridae, Rodentia). Western North American Naturalist 71 , pp. 553-556.
- Willyard, A., Wallace, L., Wagner, W. L.., Weller, S. G.., Sakai, A. K.. and Nepokroeff, M. (2011). Estimating the species tree for Hawaiian Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae) from multiple loci in the presence of reticulate evolution. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 60 (1) , pp. 29-48.
- Marsico, T. D.., Wallace, L., Ervin, G. N.., Brooks, C. P.., McClure, J. E.. and Welch, M. E.. (2011). Geographic patterns of genetic diversity from the native range of Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) support the documented history of invasion and multiple introductions for invasive populations. Biological Invasions 13 (4) , pp. 857-868.
- McGlaughlin, M. E.., Riley, L., Wallace, L. and Helenurm, K. (2011). Isolation of microsatellite loci from endangered members of Lotus (Fabaceae) subgenus Syrmatium. Conservation Genetics Resources 3 (1) , pp. 117-121.
- Welch, M. E.., Long, G. June., Berk, J. W.., Getz, A. H.., Gerber, G. P.. and Wallace, L. (2011). Twenty-nine polymorphic microsatellite loci in Cyclura carinata, the Turks and Caicos Iguana, a critically endangered island endemic. Conservation Genetics Resources 3 (2) , pp. 209-212.
- Wallace, L. and Helenurm, K. (2009). Has herbivory negatively impacted genetic variability in the flora of the California Channel Islands? Insights from Crossosoma californicum (Crossosomataceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 170 (3) , pp. 311-322.
- Furches, M. S., Wallace, L. and Helenurm, K. (2009). High genetic divergence characterizes populations of the endemic plant Lithophragma maximum (Saxifragaceae) on San Clemente Island. Conservation Genetics 10 , pp. 115-126.
- Jones, P. H., Wallace, L. and Britten, H. B. (2009). Isolation and characterization of 11 microsatellite loci from Oropsylla hirsuta, a common vector of sylvatic plague. . Molecular Ecology Resources 9 , pp. 1041-1044.
- Wallace, L., Weller, S. G.., Wagner, W. L.., Sakai, A. K.. and Nepokroeff, M. (2009). Phylogeographic patterns and demographic history of Schiedea globosa (Caryophyllaceae) on the Hawaiian Islands. American Journal of Botany 96 (5) , pp. 958-967.
- Mcglaughlin, M. E.., Wallace, L. and Helenurm, K. (2008). Isolation of microsatellite loci from the endangered plant Sibara filifolia (Brassicaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources 8 (2) , pp. 367-369.
- Wallace, L. and Helenurm, K. (2006). Characterization of microsatellite loci in polyploid Lavatera assurgentiflora subspecies assurgentiflora and subspecies glabra (Malvaceae). Molecular Ecology Notes 6 , pp. 331-333.
- Wallace, L., Furches, M. S. and Helenurm, K. (2006). Polymorphic microsatellite loci in Lithophragma maximum (Saxifragaceae), an endemic plant of San Clemente Island. Molecular Ecology Notes 6 , pp. 459-461.
- Wallace, L. (2006). Spatial genetic structure and frequency of interspecific hybridization in Platanthera aquilonis and Platanthera dilatata (Orchidaceae) occurring in sympatry. American Journal of Botany 93 (7) , pp. 1001-1009.
- Wallace, L. and Helenurm, K. (2005). Isolation of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Crossosoma californicum (Crossosomataceae). Molecular Ecology Notes 5 , pp. 246-248.
- Swallow, J. G., Wallace, L., Christianson, S. J., Johns, P. M. and Wilkinson, G. S. (2005). Genetic divergence does not predict change in ornament expression among populations of stalk-eyed flies. Molecular Ecology 14 (12) , pp. 3787-800.
- Wallace, L. (2004). A comparison of genetic variation and structure in the allopolyploid Platanthera huronensis and its diploid progenitors, Platanthera aquilonis and Platanthera dilatata (Orchidaceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 82 , pp. 244-252.
- Holsinger, K. E. and Wallace, L. (2004). Bayesian approaches for the analysis of population genetic structure: an example from Platanthera leucophaea (Orchidaceae). Molecular Ecology 13 (4) , pp. 887-94.
- Wallace, L. (2003). An evaluation of taxonomic boundaries in Platanthera dilatata (Orchidaceae) based on morphological and molecular variation. Rhodora 105 , pp. 322-336.
- Wallace, L. (2003). Molecular evidence for allopolyploid speciation and recurrent origins in Platanthera huronensis (Orchidaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 164 , pp. 907-916.
- Wallace, L. (2003). The cost of inbreeding in Platanthera leucophaea (Orchidaceae). American Journal of Botany 90 (2) , pp. 235-42.
- Wallace, L. (2002). Examining the effects of fragmentation on genetic variation in Platanthera leucophaea (Orchidaceae): inferences from allozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Plant Species Biology 17 , pp. 37-49.
- Culley, T. M., Wallace, L., Gengler-Nowak, K. M. and Crawford, D. J. (2002). A comparison of two methods of calculating GST, a genetic measure of population differentiation. American Journal of Botany 89 (3) , pp. 460-5.
- Wallace, L. and Case, M. A. (2000). Contrasting allozyme diversity between northern and southern populations of Cypripedium parviflorum (Orchidaceae): Implications for Pleistocene refugia and taxonomic boundaries. Systematic Botany 25 , pp. 281-296.
- Case, M. A., Mlodozeniec, H. T., Wallace, L. and Weldy, T. W. (1998). Conservation genetics and taxonomic status of the rare Kentucky lady's slipper: Cypripedium kentuckiense (Orchidaceae). American Journal of Botany 85 (12) , pp. 1779-86.
- Weldy, T. W., Mlodozeniec, H. T., Wallace, L. and Case, M. A. (1996). The current status of Cypripedium kentuckiense (Orchidaceae), including a morphological analysis of a newly discovered population in Eastern Virginia. Sida 17 , pp. 423-435.
- Wettewa, E. and Wallace, L. ( 2017). EPIC markers for understanding evolutionary diversification in Platanthera section Limnorchis (Orchidaceae) Poster Association of Southeastern Biologists Annual Meeting Montgomery, AL.
- Bailey, N. and Wallace, L. ( 2017). Distinguishing between two polyploid Platanthera orchids derived from the same diploid ancestors Poster Biology Undergraduate Research Symposium Starkville, MS.
- Wettewa, E. and Wallace, L. ( 2017). Floral micromorphology across Platanthera section Limnorchis (Orchidaceae) Oral Presentation Botany Fort Worth, TX.
- Wettewa, E. ( 2017). EPIC markers for understanding evolutionary diversification in Platanthera section Limnorchis (Orchidaceae) Oral Presentation Graduate Student Research Symposium Starkville, MS.