Associate Professor
World Languages & Cultures
Kerstin Steitz
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Germanic Languages & Literatures, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ of Virginia, (2014)
M.A. in Germanic Languages & Literature, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ of Virginia, (2008)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Steitz, K. "National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Stipend 2019" $6,000. Federal. May 2019 - July 2019
- Steitz, K. "Gerald Westheimer Career Development Fellowship" $20,000. May 2015 - May 2016
Research Interests
Postwar German and German Jewish Studies, Holocaust Studies, Law and Literature, Gender Studies
- Steitz, K. (2025). Legal and Epic Alienation. Fritz Bauer’s Critique of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial (1963-1965) and Peter Weiss’s Dramatic Treatment of the Trial in the Investigation. Oratorio in 11 Cantos (1965). Law & Literature 37 (1) , pp. 187-210.
- Steitz, K. (2019). "Holocaust Memory on Trial: Nazi Propaganda Film Techniques in Roland Suso Richter's 'Nichts als die Wahrheit'". Holocaust Studies A Journal of Culture and History (Special Issue: Contemporary Holocaust Film).
- Steitz, K. (2017). "No 'Innocent Victim'?: Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women During the Holocaust as Trope in Zeugin aus der Hölle". , pp. 101-127.
- Steitz, K. (2017). "'Eine Grenze hat Tyrannenmacht': Wie Fritz Bauer die Attentäter des 20. Juli mittels Schillers Wilhelm Tell rehabilitierte". Einsicht Bulletin des Fritz Bauer Instituts , pp. 46-54.
- Steitz, K. (2017). "Juristische und Epische Verfremdung: Fritz Bauers Kritik am Frankfurter Auschwitz-Prozess (1963-1965) und Peter Weiss’ dramatische Prozessbearbeitung Die Ermittlung. Oratorium in 11 Gesängen (1965)". German Studies Review 40 (1) , pp. 79-101.
Book Chapters
- Steitz, K. (2024). 13 Queering the Holocaust: Intersecting Jewish and Transgender Identities in Transparent Blessings beyond the Binary (pp. 214-228) Rutgers 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Press.
- STEITZ, K. (2024). Queering the Holocaust: Blessings Beyond the Binary (pp. 214-228) Rutgers 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Press.
- Steitz, K. (2016). "And Hannah Laughed: The Role of Irony in Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem" A Club of Their Own: Jewish Humorists and the Contemporary World, edited by Gabriel N. Finder and Eli Lederhendler. Oxford 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Press, 132-140..
- Elzey, D. and Steitz, K. (2013). Cultivating the Cross-Cultural Engineer: Key Insights Environmental Sustainability in Transatlantic Perspective (pp. 185-200) Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- 2018: DAAD/GSA Best Article Prize 2018, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst/German Studies Association