Research Assistant Professor
The Center for Educational Partnerships

Joe Brobst

NORFOLK, 23529

Joe Brobst holds a BS in Biological Sciences, MA in Curriculum & Instruction, and Ed.D. in Educational Leadership, all from the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ of Delaware. Formerly a high school biology teacher, he is now an educational research and program evaluation specialist with experience working on a wide range of projects sponsored by organizations including the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Office of Naval Research, U.S. Department of Education, and Corporation for National and Community Service. His areas of interest and expertise include broadening participation in STEM higher education, K-12 STEM teacher professional development, and preservice teacher preparation in STEM.


Melton, J., Miller, M. and Brobst, J. (2019). Mentoring the Mentors: Hybridizing Professional Development to Support Cooperating Teachers’ Mentoring Practice in Science. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education 19 (1) , pp. 23--44.
Miller, M., Hanley, D. and Brobst, J. (2019). The Impacts of a Research-Based Model for Mentoring Elementary Preservice Teachers in Science. Journal of Science Teacher Education 30 (4) , pp. 357-378.
Brobst, J. and Markworth, K. Elementary content specialization: perspectives on perils and promise. School Science and Mathematics.
Markworth, K., Brobst, J., Ohana, C. and Parker, R. (2018). Exploring elementary content specialization: benefits and cautions, pitfalls and fixes. NCSM Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership 19 (2) , pp. 3-11.
Brobst, J., Markworth, K., Tasker, T. and Ohana, C. (2017). Comparing the preparedness, content knowledge, and instructional quality of elementary science specialists and self-contained teachers. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN SCIENCE TEACHING 54 (10) , pp. 1302-1321.
Markworth, K. A.., Brobst, J., Ohana, C. and Parker, R. (2016). Elementary content specialization: models, affordances, and constraints. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEM EDUCATION 3.
Eslinger, E., White, B., Frederiksen, J. and Brobst, J. (2008). Supporting Inquiry Processes with an Interactive Learning Environment: Inquiry Island. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY 17 (6) , pp. 610-617.