Biological Sciences
Chris Platsoucas
NORFOLK, 23529
D.Sc. in Molecular Biology and Genetics, Democritus 91短视频 of Thrace, (2008)
Ph.D. in Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (1978)
B.S. in Chemistry, 91短视频 of Patras, (1973)
- Sakkas, L. I. . and Platsoucas, C. D. (2010). T-cells and B-cells in Systemic Sclerosis. Current Rheumatology Reviews 6 , pp. 276-282.
- Heckel, M. C. ., Wolfson, A., Slachta, C. A. ., Schwarting, R., Salgame, P., Katsetos, C. D. . and Platsoucas, C. D. (2010). Human breast tumor cells express IL-10 and IL-12p40 transcripts and proteins, but do not produce IL-12p70. Cellular Immunology.
- Pappas, J., Wolfson, A. D., Jung, W., Oleszak, E. S., Helm, C. W., Freedman, R. S., Tsygankov, A. Y. and Platsoucas, C. D. (2009). Differential expression of CD3-Zeta message and protein in tumor infiltrating lymphocytes from solid tumor specimens and malignant ascites from patients with ovarian carcinoma. Anticancer Research 29 , pp. 4673-4682.
- Kuivaniemi, H., Platsoucas, C. D. and Tilton, 3rd, M. D. . (2008). Aortic Aneurysms: an Immune Disease with a Strong Genetic Component. Circulation 117 , pp. 242-2452.
- White, J. V. ., Ryiewski, C., Trinidad, M., Rosenblum, J. and Platsoucas, C. D. (2007). Aortic aneurysm: search for the trigger. Annals of Vascular Surgery 21 , pp. 292-295.
- Platsoucas, C. D. and Oleszak, E. S. (2007). Human Autoimmune Diseases are Specific Antigen-Driven T-Cell Diseases: Identification of the Antigens. Immunologic Research 38 , pp. 359-372.
- Sakkas, L. I. . and Platsoucas, C. D. (2007). The role of T cells in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatism. Arthritis and Rheumatism 56 , pp. 409-424.
- Sakkas, L. I. ., Chikanza, I. and Platsoucas, C. D. (2006). Systemic sclerosis: The role of immune cells. Nature Clinical Practice Rheumatology 2 , pp. 679-685.
- Platsoucas, C. D., Lu, S., Kwaneshiudu, I., Solomides, C., Agelan, A., Ntaolula, N., Purev, E., Li, L. P. ., Kratsios, P., Mylonas, E., Jung, W., Evans, K., Roberts, S., Lu, Y., Layvi, R., Lin, W. L. ., Zhang, X., Gaughan, J., Monos, D. S. ., Oleszak, E. S. and White, J. V. . (2006). The Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) is a specific antigen-driven T-cell disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1085 , pp. 224鈥235.
- Monos, D., Pappas, J., Magira, E., Gaughan, J., Aplenc, R., Sakkas, L. I. ., Freedman, R. S. ., Reveille, J. D. . and Platsoucas, C. D. (2005). Identification of HLA-DQalpha and -DRbeta residues associated with susceptibility and protection to epithelial ovarian cancer. Human Immunology 66 , pp. 554-562.
- Lin, W. L. ., Fincke, J. E. ., Sharer, L., Monos, D., Lu, S., Gaughan, J., Platsoucas, C. D. and Oleszak, E. S. (2005). Oligoclonal T cells are infiltrating the brain of children with AIDS: Sequence analysis revealed high proportions of identical beta-chain T-cell receptor (TCR) transcripts. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 141 , pp. 338-356.
- Pappas, J., Jung, W., Barda, A. K. ., Lin, W. L. ., Fincke, J. E. ., Purev, E., Radu, M., Gaughan, J., Helm, C. W. ., Hernandez, E., Freeman, R. S.. and Platsoucas, C. D. (2005). Substantial proportions of identical b-chain T-cell receptor (TCR) transcripts are present in epithelial ovarian carcinoma tumors (EOC). Cellular Immunology 234 , pp. 81-101.
- Sakkas, L. I. ., Koussidis, G., Avgerinos, E., Gaughan, J. and Platsoucas, C. D. (2004). Decreased expression of CD3zeta chain in T cells infiltrating the synovial membrane (SM) of patients with Osteoarthritis (OA). Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 11 , pp. 195-202.
- Sakkas, L. I. . and Platsoucas, C. D. (2004). Is Systemic Sclerosis an Antigen-driven T-cell Disease? . Arthritis and Rheumatism 50 , pp. 1721-1733.
- Oleszak, E. S., Chang, J. R. ., Friedman, H., Katsetos, C. D. . and Platsoucas, C. D. (2004). Theiler's Virus Infection: A Model for Multiple Sclerosis. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 17 , pp. 174-207.
- Oleszak, E. S., Hoffman, B. E. ., Chang, J. R. ., Zaczynska, E., Gaughan, J., Katsetos, C. D. ., Platsoucas, C. D. and Neily, H. (2003). Apoptosis of infiltrating T cells in the CNS of mice infected with Theiler's Murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV). Virology 315 , pp. 110-123.
- Xu, B., Sakkas, L. I. ., Goldman, B. I. ., Jeevanandam, V., Gaughan, J., Oleszak, E. S. and Platsoucas, C. D. (2003). Identical alpha-chain T-cell receptor transcripts are present on T cells infiltrating coronary arteries of cardiac allografts with chronic rejection. Cellular Immunology 225 , pp. 75-90.
- Platsoucas, C. D., Fincke, J. E. ., Pappas, J., Jung, W., Heckel, M., Schwarting, R., Magira, E., Monos, D. and Freedman, R. S. . (2003). Immune responses to human tumors: Development of tumor vaccines. Anticancer Research 23 , pp. 1969-1996.
- Sakkas, L. I. ., Xu, B., Artlett, C., Lu, S., Jimenez, S. and Platsoucas, C. D. (2002). Oligoclonal T-cell expansion in the skin of patients with systemic sclerosis. Journal of Immunology 168 , pp. 3649-3659.
- Lenzi, R., Rosenblum, M., Verscrhaegen, C., Kudelka, A. P. ., Kavanagh, J. J. ., Hicks, M. E. ., Lang, E. A. ., Nash, M. A. ., Garcia, M. E. ., Platsoucas, C. D., Abbruzzese, J. L. . and Freedman, R. S. . (2002). Phase I study of intraperitoneal rh-IL-12 in patients with Mullerian, Gastrointenstinal Primary Malignancies and Mesothelioma. Clinical Cancer Research 8 , pp. 3686-3695.
- Xu, B., Sakkas, L. I. ., Slachta, C. A. ., Goldman, B., Jeevanandam, V., Oleszak, E. S. and Platsoucas, C. D. (2001). Apoptosis in chronic rejection of human cardiac allografts. Transplantation 71 , pp. 1137-1146.
- Slachta, C. A. ., Jeevanandam, V., Goldman, B., Lin, W. L. . and Platsoucas, C. D. (2001). Coronary arteries with chronic rejection contain oligoclonal T cells. Persistence of clonally expanded T-cell receptor (TCR) transcripts from the early post-transplantation period through chronic rejection. Transplantation Proceedings 33 , pp. 452-455.
- Jung, W., Lu, S., Qin, P., Afolabi, A., Slachta, C. A. ., Jeevanandam, V., Goldman, B. and Platsoucas, C. D. (2001). Gamma-chain T-cell receptor (TCR) transcripts are clonally expanded in the coronary arteries from cardiac allografts from patients with chronic rejection. Transplantation Proceedings 33 , pp. 456-458.
- Oleszak, E. S., Lin, W. L. ., Legido, A., Melvin, J., Hardison, H., Hoffman, B. E. ., Katsetos, C. D. . and Platsoucas, C. D. (2001). Oligoclonal T cells are present in the CSF of a child with a recurrent disseminated MS-like demyelinating disease following Hepatitis A infection . Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 8 , pp. 984-92.
- Wassef, M., Baxter, B. T. ., Chisholm, R. L. ., Dalman, R. I. ., Fillinger, M. F. ., Heinecke, J., Humphrey, J. D. ., Kuivaniemi, H., Parks, W. C. ., Pearce, W. H. ., Platsoucas, C. D., Sukhova, G. K. ., Thompson, R. W. ., Tilson, M. D. . and Zarins, C. K. . (2001). Pathogenesis of Abdominal Aortic Aneurisms: A Multidisciplina Research Program Supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Journal of Vascular Surgery 34 , pp. 730-8.
- Freedman, R. S.., Kudelka, A. P. ., Kavanagh, J. J. ., Verschraegen, C., Edwards, C. L.., Nash, M., Levy, L., Atkinson, E. N. ., Zhang, H., Melichar, B., Patenia, B., Templin, S., Scott, W. and Platsoucas, C. D. (2000). Clinical and biological effects of intraperitoneal injections of recombinant IFN-alpha and recombinant IL-2 with or without tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in patients with ovarian or peritoneal carcinoma . Clinical Cancer Research 6 , pp. 2268-2278.
- Slachta, C. A. ., Jeevanandam, V., Goldman, B., Lin, W. L. . and Platsoucas, C. D. (2000). Coronary arteries from human cardiac allografts with chronic rejection contain oligoclonal populations of T cells. Persistence of identical clonally expanded beta-chain T-cell receptor transcripts from the early posttransplantation period (endomyocardial biopsies) to chronic rejection (coronary arteries) . Journal of Immunology 165 , pp. 369-384.
- Chang, J. R. ., Zaczynska, E., Katsetos, C. D. ., Platsoucas, C. D. and Oleszak, E. S. (2000). Differential expression of TGF-beta, IL-2 and other cytokines in the CNS of TMEV-infected susceptible and resistant strains of mice. Virology 278 , pp. 346-360.
- Melichar, B., Nash, M. A. ., Lienzi, R., Platsoucas, C. D. and Freedman, R. S. . (2000). Expression of costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86 and their receptors on tumor infiltrating lymphocytes from patients with ovarian carcinoma and other peritoneal carcinomatosis . Clinical and Experimental Immunology 119 , pp. 19-27.
- Katsetos, C. D. ., Fincke, J. E. ., Legido, A., Lischer, H. W. ., De Chardarevian, J., Kaye, E. M. ., Platsoucas, C. D. and Oleszak, E. S. (1999). Angiocentric CD3+ T-cell infiltrates in Human immunodeficiency virus type-1-associated central nervous system disease in children . Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 6 , pp. 105-114.
- Loercher, A. E. ., Nash, M. A. ., Kavanagh, J. J. ., Edwards, C. L. ., Platsoucas, C. D. and Freedman, R. S. . (1999). Identification of an IL-10-producing, HLA-DR-negative, monocyte subset in the malignant ascites of patients with ovarian carcinoma, which inhibits cytokine protein expression and proliferation of autologous T cells. Journal of Immunology 163 , pp. 6251-6260.
- Sakkas, L. I. ., Tourtellote, C., Berney, S., Myers, A. R. . and Platsoucas, C. D. (1999). Increased levels of alternatively spliced IL-4 (IL-4delta2) transcripts in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with systemic sclerosis. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 6 , pp. 660-664.
- Gordinier, M. E. ., Zhang, H., Patenia, R., Atkinson, E. N. ., Levy, L., Nash, M. A. ., Katz, R. L. ., Platsoucas, C. D. and Freedman, R. S. . (1999). Quantitative analysis of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-飦) and HLA class I and II in epithelial ovarian cancer . Clinical Cancer Research 5 , pp. 2498-2505.
- Lin, W. L. ., Kuzmak, J., Pappas, J., Peng, G., Chernajovsky, Y., Platsoucas, C. D. and Oleszak, E. S. (1998). Amplification of T-cell receptor alpha- and beta-chain transcripts from mouse spleen lymphocytes by the nonpalindromic adaptor polymerase chain reaction. Hematopathology and Molecular Hematology 11 73-88 1998. Hematopathology and Molecular Hematology 11 , pp. 73-88.
- Nash, M. A. ., Lienzi, R., Edwards, C. L. ., Kavanagh, J. J. ., Kudelka, A. P. ., Verschraegen, C., Platsoucas, C. D. and Freedman, R. S. . (1998). Differential expression of cytokine transcripts in human epithelial ovarian carcinoma by solid tumour specimens, peritoneal exudate cells containing tumour, tumour-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL)-derived T-cell lines and established tumour cell lines. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 112 , pp. 172-180.
- Sakkas, L. I. ., Johanson, N., Scanzello, C. and Platsoucas, C. D. (1998). Interleukin-12 is expressed by infiltrating macrophages and synovial lining cells in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Cellular Immunology 188 , pp. 105-110.
- Freedman, R. S.., Lienzi, R., Kudelka, A., Lawrence, D. D. ., Rosenblum, M. and Platsoucas, C. D. (1998). Intraperitoneal immunotherapy of peritoneal carcinomatosis. Cytokines. . Cellular and Molecular Therapy 4 , pp. 121-140.
- Melichar, B., Savary, C., Kudelka, A. P. ., Verschraegen, C., kavanagh, J. J. ., Edwards, C. L. ., Platsoucas, C. D. and Freedman, R. S. . (1998). Lineage-negative human leukocyte antigen-DR+ cells with the phenotype of undifferentiated dendritic cells in patients with carcinoma of the abdomen and pelvis. Clinical Cancer Research 4 , pp. 799-809.
- Nash, M. A. ., Lienzi, R., Platsoucas, C. D. and Freedman, R. S. . (1998). Reverse transcription-PCR quantitation of cytokine responses in vivo from specimens containing small numbers of cells during immunotherapy. Journal of Immunological Methods 219 , pp. 169-179.
- Sakkas, L. I. ., Scanzello, C., Johanson, N., Burkholder, J., Mitra, A., Salgame, P., Katsetos, C. D. . and Platsoucas, C. D. (1998). T cells and T-cell derived cytokine transcripts in the synovial membrane of patients with osteoarthritis. . Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 5 , pp. 430-437.
- Slachta, C. A. ., Jeevanandam, V., Goldman, B. and Platsoucas, C. D. (1998). T cells infiltrating coronary arteries of cardiac allografts with chronic rejection contain clonally expanded T lymphocytes. Transplantation Proceedings 30 , pp. 1002-1004.
- Wu, S., Donigan, A., Platsoucas, C. D., Jung, W., Soprano, D. R.. and Soprano, K. J. . (1997). All-trans-retinoic acid blocks cell cycle progression of human ovarian adenocarcinoma cells at late G1. Experimental Cell Research 232 , pp. 277-286.
- Yang, J., Mathioudakis, G., Kruzel, E., Angelo, L. S. ., Sakkas, L. I.., Lee, J. L. ., Oleszak, E. S. and Platsoucas, C. D. (1997). An anti-LFA-1 monoclonal antibody (LDA-8) induces cellular aggregation of human lymphoblastoid cell lines and peripheral blood lymphocytes . Hematopathology and Molecular Hematology 11 , pp. 29-40.
- Lee, J. E. ., Reveille, J. D. . and Platsoucas, C. D. (1996). Association of HLA-DQB1*0301 with Malignant Melanoma. Journal of Immunotherapy 19 , pp. 381-383.
- Kooi, S., Zhang, H., Patenia, R., Edwards, C. L. ., Platsoucas, C. D. and Freedman, R. S. . (1996). HLA class I expression on human ovarian carcinoma cells correlates with T-cell infiltration in vivo and T-cell expansion in vitro in low concentrations of recombinant interleukin-2. Cellular Immunology 174 , pp. 116-128.
- Freedman, R. S.., Gibbons, J. A. ., Giedlin, M., Kudelka, A., Kavanagh, J. J. ., Edwards, C. L. ., Nash, M. A. . and Platsoucas, C. D. (1996). Immunopharmacology and cytokine production of a low dose schedule of intraperitoneally administered human recombinant interleukin-2 in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma. Journal of Immunotherapy 19 , pp. 443-451.
- Freedman, R. S.., Platsoucas, C. D. and Deisseroth, A. B.. (1996). Use of a retroviral vector to study the trafficking patterns of purified ovarian tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) used in intraperitoneal adoptive immunotherapy of ovarian cancer patients - A pilot study. Human Gene Therapy 7 , pp. 1351-1365.
Book Chapters
- Platsoucas, C. D. and Oleszak, E. S. (1998). "Structure and function of the trimolecular complex: T-cell receptor/peptide/MHC" Current Topics in Biochemistry (pp. 57-71) Thessaloniki: Aristotelian 91短视频 of Thessaloniki, Laboratory of Biochemistry Press.
- Freedman, R. S.., Kudelka, A. P. ., Verscrhaegen, C. F.. and Platsoucas, C. D. (1998). Progress toward tumor-specific immunity in carcinomas of the ovary and breast Cancer in Women (pp. 30-53) Oxford, London, Berlin, Tokyo: Blackwell Science Publication.
Conference Proceeding
- Platsoucas, C. D. (2001). Perspectives on the Application of Genomics, Transcriptomics (DNA Arrays), and Proteinomics to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer (pp. 307-311) . Proceedings of First Annual Congress of Clinical Oncology, Thessaloniki, Greece,.
- Platsoucas, C. D. (1997). Biological therapies of cancer based on T lymphocytes (pp. 130-134) Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Association of Immunology.
- Platsoucas, C. D. (September , 2001). Perspectives on the Application of Genomics, Transcriptomics (DNA Arrays), and Proteinomics to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer First Annual Congress of Clinical Oncology Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Platsoucas, C. D. ( 1997). Biological therapies of cancer based on T lymphocytes 15th Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Association of Immunology Thessaloniki, Greece.
- 2009: D. Sc, Honoris Causa, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Democritus 91短视频 of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece
- 2002: Medal of the 91短视频 of Patras for Scientific Achievement, 91短视频 of Patras, Patras, Greece
- 1993: Laura H. Carnell Professor of Medicine, Temple 91短视频 School of Medicine
- 1992: Hubert L. and Olive Stringer Professorship in Cancer Research, The 91短视频 of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
- 1991: Ashbel Smith Professorship, The 91短视频 of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
- 1991: Dean's Teaching Excellence Award, Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Graduate School of Biomedical Science, The 91短视频 of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
- 1978: National Research Service Award,
- 1973: NATO/EMBO International Summer School of Molecular Biology, Tuition Award, NATO/EMBO
- 1969: Scholarships, Greek 91短视频 Scholarship Foundation