Brandon Butler
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Social Studies Education, 91短视频 of Georgia, (2011)
M.A. in Secondary Education, Georgia College & 91短视频 91短视频, (2003)
B.S. in History, Georgia College & 91短视频 91短视频, (2002)
- Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies Certificate
- Sponsoring Organization: 91短视频 of Georgia
- Date Obtained: 2011-08-06
- Teaching, 6-12 Broad Field Social Science
- Sponsoring Organization: Georgia Professional Standards Commission
- Date Obtained: 2003-05-03
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Butler, B. M. "Training teacher support specialists in the work of instructional coaching" $7,000. Old Dominion 91短视频. May 5, 2016 - August 26, 2016
- Suh, Y., Butler, B. M. and Colwell, J. "The long road from Brown: School desegregation in Virginia." $176,322. Federal. October 1, 2014 - December 31, 2015
- Colwell, J. and Butler, B. M. "BLiSS: Building Literacy in Social Studies Continuation" $71,566. 91短视频. July 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015
- Butler, B. M., Colwell, J. and Suh, Y. "BLiSS: Building literacy in social studies." $54,626. 91短视频. July 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014
- Suh, Y., Butler, B. M. and Colwell, J. "The long road from Brown: School desegregation in Virginia." $171,210. Federal. -
- Butler, B. M. "The state of state history: Investigating localized curriculum in an era of national identity." $6,000. Old Dominion 91短视频. -
- Butler, B. M. and Suh, Y. "Teaching and learning for "big ideas" of social justice in elementary social studies methods" $35,740. Private. -
Research Interests
Teacher Education; Teacher Educator Learning; Doctoral Student Learning; Self-Study Research Methods; Teaching and Learning Self-Study; Pedagogy of Teacher Education; Teacher Leadership
- Butler, B. M. and Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2024). Tensions of learning on the job: A self-study of teacher education leadership. Studying Teacher Education 20 (2).
- Butler, B. M. and Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2024). Trials and tribulations of learning about leadership: A self-study of teacher education leadership. Studying Teacher Education 21 (1).
- Beck, J., Hinton-Johnson, K., Wiens, P. and Butler, B. M. (2023). Stepping into other roles: A mixed methods investigation of administrators鈥 and teachers鈥 perceptions of teacher leadership. . School Leadership and Management.
- Collins, A., Butler, B. M., Leathrum, J. F. and Lynch, C. (2023). Teaching analytics online: A self-study of professional practice. Studying Teacher Education 20 (2).
- Beck, J., Hinton-Johnson, K., Butler, B. M. and Wiens, P. (2023). Open to all: Administrators鈥 and teachers鈥 perceptions of issues of equity and diversity in teacher leadership. . Urban Education.
- Butler, B. M., Burns, R. W.. and Willey, C. J.. (2023). Toward a renewal of supervisory scholarship and practice in teacher education: A collaborative self-study. . Journal of Educational Supervision 6 (3) , pp. 46-67.
- Butler, B. M. and Burgin, S. (2023). Co-teaching from an interdisciplinary perspective: A self-study of negotiating an integrated curriculum. The Educational Forum.
- Beck, J., Hinton (Johnson), K. and Butler, B. M. (2022). Truly open to all: Three ways to diversify teacher leadership. Phi Delta Kappan 104 (2) , pp. 32-36.
- Diacopoulos, M., Gregory, K., Branyon, A. and Butler, B. M. (2022). Learning and living self-study: Guidelines for the self-study journey. Studying Teacher Education 18 (2) , pp. 175-196.
- Diacopoulos, M. and Butler, B. M. (2020). What do we supervise for? A self-study of learning student teaching supervision. Studying Teacher Education 16 (1).
- Grant, M. and Butler, B. M. (2018). Why self-study? An exploration of personal, professional and programmatic infludences in the use of self-study research.. Studying Teacher Education 14 (3).
- Gregory, K. H., Diacopoulos, M., Branyon, A. P. and Butler, B. M. (2017). From skepticism to scholarship: Learning and living self-study research in a doctoral seminar. Studying Teacher Education 13 (3).
- Crompton, H., Giannakos, M., Butler, B. M. and Ulmer, L. (2016). Effective technology integration in K-12 schools: Essential conditions and rubrics. Distance Education in China 8 , pp. 27-56.
- Butler, B. M. and Diacopoulos, M. (2016). Re/learning student teaching supervision: A co/autoethnographic self-study. Studying Teacher Education 12 (2) , pp. 117-134.
- Crompton, H., Giannakos, M., Butler, B. M. and Ulmer, L. (2016). Effective technology integration in K-12 schools: Essential conditions and rubric . Distance Education in China 8 , pp. 27-56.
- Butler, B. M. and Burgin, S. (2016). Jamestown and power lines: Teaching controversy in an inter-disciplinary manner. Social Education 80 (1) , pp. 46-51.
- Burgin, S. and Butler, B. M. (2016). Controversial environmental issues explored through interdisciplinary perspectives: The case of the bald eagle, the botanical garden, and the airport. ScienceScope 39 (7) , pp. 41-48.
- Butler, B. M. (2016). The impaired enactment of paired student teaching: A case study of triadic relationships. Critical Issues in Teacher Education 23 , pp. 53-65.
- Suh, Y., Butler, B. M. and Yaco, S. (2015). Integrating oral history into a social studies methods course: Lessons learned. MuseumEdu 2 , pp. 101-108.
- Butler, B. M., Suh, Y. and Scott, W. (2015). Knowledge transmission versus social transformation: A critical analysis of purpose in elementary social studies methods textbooks. Theory and Research in Social Education 43 (1) , pp. 102-134.
- Butler, B. M., Burns, E. A., Frierman, C., Hawthorne, K., Innes, A. and Parrott, J. A.. (2014). The impact of a pedagogy of teacher education seminar on educator and future teacher educator identities. Studying Teacher Education 10 (3) , pp. 255-274.
- Butler, B. M., Burns, E., Hawthorne, K., Innes, A., Frierman, C. and Parrott, J. A.. (2014). Reflections on educator and teacher educator development: Implications of a pedagogy of teacher education seminar on practice. Critical Issues in Teacher Education 21 , pp. 4-20.
- Logan, K. and Butler, B. M. (2013). "What do we know about elementary social studies?": Novice secondary teacher educators on learning to teach elementary social studies methods. Studying Teacher Education 9 (3) , pp. 267-283.
- Butler, B. M. and Cuenca, A. (2012). Conceptualizing the roles of mentor teachers in student teaching.. Action in Teacher Education 34 (4).
- Dinkelman, T., Cuenca, A., Butler, B. M., Elfer, C., Ritter, J. K.., Powell, D. J.. and Hawley, T. (2012). The influence of a collaborative doctoral seminar on emerging researcher-teacher educators.. Action in Teacher Education 34 (2) , pp. 172-190.
- Cuenca, A., Schmeichel, M., Butler, B. M., Dinkelman, T. and Nichols, J. R.. (2011). Creating a 鈥渢hird space鈥 in student teaching: Implications for the university supervisor鈥檚 status as 鈥渙utsider.鈥. Teaching and Teacher Education 27 (7) , pp. 1068-1077.
- Cuenca, A. and Butler, B. M. (2010). Culturally responsible social studies.. Middle 91短视频s Social Studies Journal 1 (1) , pp. 5-10.
- Butler, B. M. and Ritter, J. K.. Professional learning journeys of teacher educators. Information Age Publishing.
- Butler, B. M. and Bullock, S. Michael. (2023). Understanding a pedagogy of teacher education: Contexts for teaching and learning about your educational practice. . Routledge.
- Butler, B. M., Cuenca, A. and Ritter, J. K.. (2023). Pathways to teacher education: Profiles in emerging teacher educator development. Information Age Publishing.
- Butler, B. M. and Bullock, S. (2022). Learning through collaboration in self-study: Critical friendships, collaborative self-study, and self-study communities of practice. Springer.
Book Chapters
- Bullock, S. and Butler, B. M. (2022). Reframing collaboration in self-study Learning through collaboration in self-study: Critical friendships, collaborative self-study, and self-study communities of practice Springer.
- Butler, B. M. and Bullock, S. (2022). The complications of collaboration in self-study Learning through collaboration in self-study: Critical friendships, collaborative self-study, and self-study communities of practice Springer.
- Branyon, A., Diacopoulos, Gregory, K. and Butler, B. M. (2022). The power of autobiography in establishing a self-study community of practice Learning through collaboration in self-study: Critical friendships, collaborative self-study, and self-study communities of practice Springer.
- Diacopoulos, M. (2021). Pedagogical and andragogical considerations in online teacher education Online teaching and learning for teacher educators Rowman and Littlefield.
- Roberts, S., Butler, B. M., Kendrick, D. and Widdall, V. (2020). 鈥淚sn鈥檛 it peachy:鈥 The successes and pitfalls of teaching controversial topics in eighth-grade Georgia Studies Critical perspectives on teaching in the southern United 91短视频s Lexington.
- Butler, B. M. and Branyon, A. P. (2020). Who does self-study and why? International handbook of self-study of teaching and teacher education Dordrecht: Springer.
- Butler, B. M. (2019). Self-study and preparing the next generation of teacher educators. Preparing the next generation of teacher educators for clinically-intensive teacher preparation. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Grant, M. and Butler, B. M. (2018). What drives a teacher educator to self-study? An exploration of personal, professional, and programmatic influences Pushing boundaries and crossing borders: Self-study as a means for knowing pedagogy (pp. 125-131) Auckland: 91短视频 of Auckland.
- Butler, B. M. (2016). Navigating the pre-tenure process: Experiences of a self-study researcher Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 241-247) Auckland: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices.
- Branyon, A. P., Diacopoulos, M., Gregory, K. H. and Butler, B. M. (2016). The power of autobiography: Unpacking the past, understanding the present, and impacting the future while establishing a community of practice Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 119-125) Auckland: Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices.
- Suh, Y., Butler, B. M. and Yaco, S. (2015). Integrating oral history into a social studies methods course: Lessons learned Oral history, museums, and education. Under the auspices of the Greek Oral History Association (pp. 223-232).
- Roberts, S. L. and Butler, B. M. (2014). Consumers and producers in the social studies classroom: How Web 2.0 technology can break the cycle of "teachers and machines." Digital social studies. (pp. 147-166) Information Age Publishing.
- Roberts, S. L.. and Butler, B. M. (2012). Idealizing and localizing the presidency: The president's place in state history textbooks. The new politics of the textbook: Critical analysis in the core content areas. (pp. 287-303) Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Conference Proceeding
- Butler, B. M. (2014). Learning to teach emerging teacher educators Changing practices for changing times: Past, present, and future possibilities for self-study research (pp. 41-43) Auckland: 91短视频 of Auckland.
- Butler, B. M., Cuenca, A. and Elfer, C. J.. (2012). Metaphors of complexity: The roles of university supervisors Extending inquiry communities: Illuminating teacher education through self-study (pp. 68-71) Provo, UT: Brigham Young 91短视频.
- Butler, B. M. and Cuenca, A. (2009). Culturally responsible teaching: A pedagogical approach for the social studies classroom (pp. 14-18) Orlando Florida: ISSS Annual Conference Proceedings .
- Butler, B. M., Burgin, S. and McConnell, W. (February , 2015). Co-teaching in elementary science and social studies methods: Lessons learned from a socio-scientific issues unit Paper Association of Teacher Educators Phoenix, AZ.
- Butler, B. M. and McConnell, W. (February , 2015). Critical friendship in a doctoral seminar: Benefits from the faculty and student perspective Paper Association of Teacher Educators Phoenix, AZ.
- Burgin, S., Butler, B. M. and McConnell, W. (January , 2015). Engaging preservice elementary teachers in multidisciplinary lesson planning around socio-scientific issues through the collaborative efforts of science and social studies teacher educators. Poster Association for Science Teacher Education Portland, OR.
- Butler, B. M., Suh, Y., Diacopolous, M., O'Hearn, M. and Scott, W. (November , 2014). The role of a collaborative doctoral seminar in consuming and producing social studies scholarship Paper College and 91短视频 Faculty Assembly Boston, MA.
- Butler, B. M. (August , 2014). Learning to teach emerging teacher educators Paper Herstmonceaux X: The Tenth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices East Sussex, England.
- Suh, Y., Butler, B. M., Diacopolous, M., O'Hearn, M. and Scott, W. (April , 2014). Crossing intellectual boundaries: Learning to be teacher educator-researchers in a doctoral seminar Paper American Educational Research Association Philadelphia, PA.
- Butler, B. M. and Elfer, C. J.. (February , 2014). Student teaching breakout sessions: A case study of a third learning space in student teaching Paper Association of Teacher Educators St. Louis, MO..
- Butler, B. M. (February , 2014). The impaired enactment of paired student teaching: A case study of ineffectual triadic relationships Paper Association of Teacher Educators St. Louis, MO.
- Butler, B. M., Burns, E., Frierman, C., Hawthorne, K., Parrott, J. and Innes, A. (April 29, 2013). Becoming teacher educators: The impact of a pedagogy of teacher education seminar on emerging teacher educator identities. Paper American Educational Research Association San Fransisco, CA.
- Butler, B. M., Burns, E., Frierman, C., Hawthorne, K., Parrott, J. and Trizna, A. (February , 2013). Enacting teacher and emerging teacher educator identity: Implications of a pedagogy of teacher education seminar on practice Paper Association of Teacher Educators Atlanta, GA.
- Butler, B. M. (February , 2013). Uncovering the 鈥渂lack box鈥: Common attributes of coherent teacher education programs Paper Association of Teacher Educators Atlanta, GA.
- Dinkelman, T., Murphy, K., Butler, B. M., Elfer, C., Pan, S., Cuenca, A. and Nichols, J. (November , 2012). Becoming teacher educators: A conversation on the influence of social studies doctoral education on the next generation of social studies teacher educators Paper College and 91短视频 Faculty Assembly Seattle, WA.
- Butler, B. M., Suh, Y. and Scott, W. (November , 2012). Knowledge transmission versus social transformation: A critical analysis of big ideas in elementary social studies methods textbooks Paper College and 91短视频 Faculty Assembly Seattle, WA.
- Butler, B. M., Cuenca, A. and Elfer, C. (August , 2012). Metaphors of complexity: The roles of university supervisors. Herstmonceuz IX: The Ninth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices East Sussex, England.
- Butler, B. M. (April , 2012). Promoting a culture of collaboration: Possibilities and problems of alternative approaches to traditional student teaching. American Educational Research Association Vancover, BC.
- Murphy, K. and Butler, B. M. (December 1, 2011). Outsourcing Elementary Social Studies: The Influence of Critical Friendship on Learning to Teach Elementary Social Studies. College and 91短视频 Faculty Assembly Washington, DC.
- Butler, B. M. (April 30, 2011). 鈥淓thic of care鈥 and teacher education research: One teacher educator鈥檚 exploration of qualitative research ethics. American Educational Research Association New Orleans.
- Butler, B. M. (November , 2010). Challenging the construction of student teaching supervision: The possibilities of collaborative action research American Educational Research Association Denver, CO.
- Roberts, S. L.. and Butler, B. M. (November 11, 2010). The presidency and state history textbooks: Consequences of ideology and bias in middle grades social studies. College and 91短视频 Faculty Assembly Denver, CO.
- Butler, B. M. and Cuenca, A. (May , 2010). Conceptualizing the roles and responsibilities of mentor teachers. American Educational Research Association Denver, CO.
- Dinkelman, T., Butler, B. M., Cuenca, A., Nichols, J. R. and Schmeichel , M. (February , 2010). Creating a 鈥渢hird space鈥 in student teaching: Implications for the university supervisor鈥檚 status as 鈥渙utsider.鈥 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Atlanta, Georgia.
- Dinkelman, T., Cuenca, A., Schmeichel, M., Butler, B. M. and Nichols, J. R. (November , 2009). Peering into the black box: A collaborative self-study of social studies teacher education College and 91短视频 Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies Atlanta, Georgia.
- Butler, B. M. and Cuenca, A. (February , 2009). Culturally responsible teaching: A pedagogical approach for the social studies classroom International Society for the Social Studies Annual Meeting Orlando Florida.
- Butler, B. M., Elfer, C. and Roberts, S. L. (November , 2008). Structuring the tandem-placement student teaching experience the annual meeting of the College and 91短视频 Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies Houston, Texas.
- Nichols, J. R., Cuenca, A. and Butler, B. M. (October , 2008). Structured academic controversy: A guide to including controversial issues in the classroom annual meeting of the Georgia Council for the Social Studies Athens, Georgia.
- Butler, B. M. (October , 2008). How to create and implement historical inquiry in the classroom The annual meeting of the Georgia Council for the Social Studies Athens, Georgia.
- Cuenca, A., Nichols, J. R. and Butler, B. M. (October , 2008). Moving past stereotypes: Approaching world geography in a culturally responsible manner The annual meeting of the Georgia Council for the Social Studies Athens, Georgia.
- Elfer, C., Roberts, S. L. and Butler, B. M. (March , 2008). Mentoring single and tandem-placement student teachers: A comparative self-study the annual meeting of the Harvard Student Research Conference Cambridge MA.
- Crabb, K., Butler, B. M. and Carroll, N. (October , 2002). Integration of GIS in a middle school classroom The annual meeting of the Georgia Council for the Social Studies Athens, Georgia.
- 2022: Most Collaborative Grant and Contract Award, Darden College of Education and Professional Studies
- 2022: Provost's Leadership Development Series, Old Dominion 91短视频
- 2019: 91短视频 Doctoral Mentoring Award, Old Dominion 91短视频
- 2019: W. Robert Houston Leadership Academy, Association of Teacher Educators
- 2015: Clinical Practice Fellow, Association of Teacher Educators
- 2013: Emerging Scholars Series, Association of Teacher Educators
- 2010: GCSS Service Award, Georgia Council for the Social Studies
- 2009: Marion J Rice Award, 91短视频 of Georgia